• 坚持画画,接下来的十年里画了2000多幅作品。

    He kept painting and he painted more than 2,000 artworks in the following ten years.


  • 接下来十年里古斯塔夫·埃菲尔开始对岸建造不朽铁塔作为工业科学象征

    Across the river, the following decade, Gustave Eiffel began work on his monumental iron tower as an emblem of industry and science.


  • 无论如何,接下来十年里更多进步即将发生

    In any case, there's more progress in store for the next decade.


  • 接下来年里,全州范围内注册黑人选民数量翻了不止十番。

    And in the coming decades, registration of black voters statewide would increase more than tenfold.


  • Cuadrilla希望接下来的十年里兰开夏郡400口井

    Cuadrilla hopes to drill 400 Wells in Lancashire in the next decade.


  • 过去每年事情并不意味着接下来的十年里还要每年都做。

    And just because you've done something every year for the past ten years doesn't mean you have to do it every year for the next ten.


  • 虽然西方社会热切关注接下来十年里热带森林还是以前所未有的速度采伐着。

    Despite a faddish Western concern for tropical forests, more were cleared in the ensuing decade than ever before.


  • 接下来,山城组发表一系列唱片,包括对日本亚洲其他地区非洲传统音乐探索

    Over the next ten years there followed a series of records exploring aspects of traditional music from Japan, other parts of Asia and Africa.


  • 一刻生命中意义重大”杰克逊写道,“接下来的年里重新回到球队领导者的状态。

    "it was a learning moment in his life, " jackson wrote. "he came back as a leader of teams for another decade. "


  • 但是接下来十年里这些技术便宜以致于实际上售出每一部手机我们今天所谓智能手机

    But over the next decade the technologies will become so cheap that virtually every phone sold will be what we, today, would call a smart phone.


  • 世界卫生组织认为,接下来十年里,肿瘤患者过早死亡人数会有增无减,中国印度俄罗斯将因此而损失十亿美元

    Both morbidity and cases of premature death are expected to rise over the next decade costing the economies of China, India and Russian billion of dollars according to the WHO.


  • 接下来十年里,五颜六色的指甲油纷纷登场,不仅如此,1936年还有半月形美甲刷子红色指甲油细心涂抹

    In the following decade, color begins to be introduced, and not only that, but the 1936 manicure even includes a half-moon shape carefully formed using a brush and red polish.


  • 面对西蒙挑战尔利希选择5种金属,认为这些金属扣除物价因素后,价格接下来的年里增长

    Faced with a challenge from Mr Simon, Mr Ehrlich selected five metals-copper, chromium, nickel, tin and tungsten-whose prices he thought would rise in real terms over the following ten years.


  • 根据劳工部数据接下来年里建筑工程师就业率会上升百分之二十四。 与全美所有职业相比,建筑工作师的工作增长率平均线以上

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, civil engineers are expected to see a 24% spike in employment growth over the next 10 years - well above average for all U.S. occupations.


  • 早些时候我们曾报道随着越来越汽车传感器网络监视摄像机等设备连接网络,专家预测接下来年里联网设备数量有望突破220亿。

    Earlier this week we reported that the number of Internet connected devices is expected to reach 22 billion in the next ten years as cars, sensor networks, security cameras and more come online.


  • 过去几十年里随着我们目睹着一一个发明突破之后接踵而至,接下来其它一切东西都将要被杀片甲不留。

    And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water.


  • 贫穷国家吸烟死亡率预计接下来20将大幅上升,这些国家的人民十年富国人民学会吸烟。

    Deaths in poor countries, where many more people have taken on rich-world smoking habits in recent decades, are predicted to rise dramatically in the next 20 years.


  • 接下来一步推广九年制义务教育, 希望未来能够实现。

    The next step is to generalize the nineyear compulsory education, which is expected to be in practice in the coming ten years.


  • 如果一切顺利的话,接下来年里乘坐飞机穿梭伦敦威尔特郡美国的住所

    All being well, he will spend the next few decades jetting between houses in London, Wiltshire and America.


  • 清楚地表明了,接下来年里环境严峻无法再过去十年那样可以增加援助资金

    It is a statement of the blindingly obvious to say that the next decade is going to be a tougher environment in which to expand aid budgets than the last one.


  • 研究指出,如果未来持续大量使用石化燃料,那么接下来的第2个我们就要减少非常多的温室气体排放以避免温度上升2度。

    The research also highlights that continued high rates of fossil fuel use in the next decade will demand extraordinary cuts in emissions in future decades to hit the 2c target.


  • 接下来十年里欧洲境外事务影响力锐减,推动定义21世纪的将世界其他地区绝非欧洲。

    In the coming decades, Europe's influence on affairs beyond its borders will be sharply limited, and it is in other regions, not Europe, that the 21st century will be most clearly forged and defined.


  • 接下来十年里,通过大量军事采购,沙特王室获得了F15战斗机、高敏空中预警控制飞机(AWACS)、坦克其他尖端武器

    Massive arms purchases in later decades brought F-15 fighter aircraft, highly sensitive airborne warning and control aircraft (AWACS), tanks, and sophisticated weaponry to the kingdom.


  • 接下来十年里,通过大量军事采购,沙特王室获得了F15战斗机、高敏空中预警控制飞机(AWACS)、坦克其他尖端武器

    Massive arms purchases in later decades brought F-15 fighter aircraft, highly sensitive airborne warning and control aircraft (AWACS), tanks, and sophisticated weaponry to the kingdom.


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