In the following window, click Finish to install the feature.
In the next window, make sure you select the Prefix option and then next.
In the next window (see figure 8), if single sign-on (SSO) is desired, select the Enable LTPA option.
In the next window, keep the Complete String default option and then next.
在接下来的窗口中,在Validstring字段中输入:@#$_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 并单击Finish。
In the next window, enter the following in the Valid string field: @#$_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 and then Finish.
In the next window that displays, select the option to obtain files from the source directory.
In in the next window (see figure 7) that displays, select the Directory Server defined earlier.
At the next maintenance window, you decide that you only want to redistribute the CATALOG table, as you have other higher priority items to do. You would likely perform this.
I then click "Preview", and in the bottom window I get a list of refactoring operations, along with diffs for the currently selected item.
In the window that displays next, enter the destination information and click Finish.
Next, place your mouse over a blank spot on one of the tool bars at the top of the Internet Explorer browser window.
As such, the Stamford Bridge club have been banned from signing players over the next two transfer Windows, which means they will not be able to bring in any new faces until 2011.
As such, the Stamford Bridge club have been banned from signing players over the next two transfer Windows, which means they will not be able to bring in any new faces until 2011.