In performance evaluations, 'it's still important to give the good, the bad and the ugly, but with a more positive emphasis.'
在1月23号公布的国会证词中,刚就任美国财务部长的Timothy Geithner表示应当有更大透明度,应当更多地强调责任。
In testimony released on January 23rd, Timothy Geithner, now America’s treasury secretary, said there needed to be more transparency and accountability.
Its campaign emphasised tax cuts rather than a leaner state.
In the "Axial Age" of Chinese culture, Confucianism, based on the recognition of the significance of grouping and the concern with group order, put much more stress on the principle of group.
Organization give more stress on correctness, completeness and timeliness of work but leadership actually work upon it by different means of effective implementations.
Organization give more stress on correctness, completeness and timeliness of work but leadership actually work upon it by different means of effective implementations.