In the bliss, in the agony her spirit failed and she tottered.
Distressed, she stopped her medication, the worst thing to do.
It is a very painful experience, when you have to face the weakness in you, dig it, deny it, destroy it, and finally reborn from the ash of ruins, to build up a mighty heart.
Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see pictures of people in extreme conditions of grief and despair. Human suffering has become a spectator sport.
After the first week of HBOT, a marked reduction in pain and tenderness in the extremity was observed in 9 out of the 15 patients with discrete clinical improvement being recorded in 3 cases.
After the first week of HBOT, a marked reduction in pain and tenderness in the extremity was observed in 9 out of the 15 patients with discrete clinical improvement being recorded in 3 cases.