• 这些区段相近基因中起控制性作用

    Nearly all these DNA regions appear to play a regulatory role in the function of nearby genes.


  • 希望相近的转换效率下使纳米管的比材料的电池便宜。

    With carbon nanotubes, he hopes to achieve efficiency comparable to silicon solar cells for less cost.


  • 相近负荷条件运行不同出力的锅炉额定出力的锅炉烟尘排放量大

    The flue dust emission concentration from heavy rated capacity boilers was high when different low rated capacity boilers worked under the similar load.


  • 昆虫它们进化过程中早就在相近植物物种化学关系系统之中。

    Insects keyed into this system of chemical relationships between related plant species very early in their evolution.


  • 单纯等高植物篱处理小区的侵蚀量仅为在相近雨强及雨量条件下对照坡耕地37 71%。

    Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was 37.71% of that of the pure crop plot.


  • 实验结果表明,原来图像编码方法相比较方法相近峰值信噪压缩比的情况下,编码速度有所提高

    Finally, experiments have shown that it can accelerate the speed of coding greatly compared with the original approach of fractal image coding in similar PSNR and compression ratio.


  • 大型养鸡场,爆发沙门菌疫情的情况更为普遍那里被养在相近的鸡舍内,通常是关一个个摞起来笼子

    Salmonella outbreaks are more prevalent in large operations where the chickens are kept in close quarters, often in cages stacked on top of one another.


  • 大部分数据比较一致:两个组婚姻满意度相近不同性别的作用方面,他们也相似观点

    On most measures, the two groups looked about the same: Both had the similar levels of marital satisfaction and similar views on gender roles.


  • 可以尝试对焦与中心物体距离相近任何一个光源上。

    One can try focusing on point light sources at a similar distance to the subject of interest.


  • 十分希望那些文具卡片书店看到记事本都有相近用途

    I very much hope these notebooks I see in stationery stores, card shops, and bookstores are serving similar purposes.


  • 我们希望能兼容1.8并且性能上与之相近

    We're aiming for 1.8 compatibility and near speed parity.


  • 如今一位顶级神经学家女性脑力男性差别并不大,智力方面男女实际上惊人地相近

    Now a leading neuroscientist says women's brain power is no different to men's after all - and we are actually incredibly similar when it comes to intellect.


  • 如今一位顶级神经学家女性的脑力男性差别并不大,智力方面男女实际上惊人地相近

    Now a leading neuroscientist says women's brain power is no different to men's after all -and we are actually incredibly similar when it comes to intellect.


  • 重大国际问题上,我们立场一致相近许多共同语言共同利益

    Zhu said that both China and Cameroon have the same or similar viewpoints on major international issues, and share many common grounds and interests.


  • 国际地区事务中双方立场相近相互协调配合共同维护地区和平稳定

    In regional and international affairs, the two sides share similar positions and have coordinated and cooperated with each other to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.


  • 功能测试中,愉快路径与实际相同相近

    In a functional test, the happy path is the sameor close to — the use case.


  • 许多情况可以地区找到相近设备不尽然。

    In many cases you'll be able to find a close match between the devices on this list and devices in your area, but not in all cases.


  • 中日地理相近文化相通,2000多年友好交往两国人民中间培育了源远流长深厚友谊

    China and Japan are close to each other geologically and enjoy similar cultural background. Our more than 2,000 years of friendly exchanges have forged profound friendship between the two peoples.


  • 我们消息来源透露贝恩的数字与奥纬非常相近,员工第一包括签约奖金可以抱走97K美元。

    Our source also shared that Bain’s numbers are very similar, a total of approximately $97K take-home in your first year, including the signing bonus


  • 虽然Posts - R - Us不是真实企业但我们实际项目中遇到了与非常相近很多情况

    While Posts-R-Us is not a real company, we do see many cases in our real life projects that are quite similar.


  • 铜牌主要是因为铮亮青铜色彩相近,再说,铸币厂希望运动员办法哪枚奖牌的事上产生混乱

    The bronze MEDALS are largely copper because burnished bronze and gold are similar in color, and the mint did not want any confusion as to which medal an athlete receives.


  • 尽管如此美国17%儿童患有哮喘,澳大利亚英国新西兰同样发现如此相近数据

    Nevertheless, 17% of children in America have it, and similarly high figures are found in Australia, Britain and New Zealand.


  • 分配对象对象时,如果子对象的生存时间对象基本相同他们应该同时分配使他们GC中的位置也是相近的。

    When you allocate the children of an object, if the children need to have similar life time as their parent they should be allocated at the same time so they will stay together on the GC heap.


  • 穆克吉表示,印中朋友许多问题上有相同相近看法

    Mukherjee noted that both sides are good friends and share identical or similar views on many issues.


  • 由于这样原因购买力平价方法比较相近收入水平经济体更为可靠

    For this reason, PPP is a more reliable comparison for the currencies of economies with similar levels of income.


  • 尽管每个发明带来利润降低,但是竞争者相近基础上进行竞争时,他们将会追逐地更加激烈

    Although profits from any new inventions will be lower, they will be chased more aggressively when competitors are on a similar footing.


  • 他们已经几乎相近区域,移除肿瘤之前他们必须找到瑞娜特定语言功能确定地址

    They're already in the general neighborhood, but before removing her tumor they must find the exact address for Corina's specific language abilities.


  • 国际事务中国有许多相同相近立场一些重大问题相互支持进行良好合作

    In the international affairs, both countries hold many identical or similar positions, extend support for each other on some major issues and have conducted sound cooperation.


  • 国际事务中国有许多相同相近立场一些重大问题相互支持进行良好合作

    In the international affairs, both countries hold many identical or similar positions, extend support for each other on some major issues and have conducted sound cooperation.


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