• 第一次世界那些年里军方希望国防建设一个美国公路系统

    In those years, just after World War I, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense.


  • 第一次世界大战中,碘酒成为了最有价值的药品

    In the Great War, the one drug that most proved its worth was Iodine.


  • 第一次世界大战中,人们认为士兵尽可牺牲的。

    In the Great War soldiers were considered expendable.


  • 不幸的是,会旗毁灭第一次世界大战战火中。

    Unfortunately, this Olympic flag was burned in the flames of WWI.


  • 确切地说安道尔第一次世界大战确实德国宣战了,从未任何人上战场

    Technically, Andorra did declare war on Germany in WWI but never sent anyone into the conflict.


  • 妻子博比休息室休息时,吉恩拿出老照片吉恩第一次世界大战是一位轰炸机驾驶员。

    Gene Bonti pulls out a picture of him and his wife Bobbie taken during a cruise.


  • 在第一次世界大战结束拒绝1919年凡尔赛合约上签字时,他赢得很多支持

    He made a lot of hay back after the Great War ended when he refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.


  • 巴黎诺德大学校长耶·考尼洛教授这种气体也是一种很强的防腐剂第一次世界大战用来治疗士兵伤口

    Professor Pierre Cornillot, President of Paris Nord University, said the gas is also a strong antiseptic, and was used to heal soldiers' wounds in World War One.


  • 协约国在第一次世界大战期间欧洲同盟国对抗结盟国家俄国法国英国,后来包括美国其它很多国家。

    The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States.


  • 艺术历史学家认为第一世界大战那时欧洲各地整整一代年轻艺术家们挑战19世纪所有传统

    Art Historian: I think before the First World War there was a whole generation of young artists all over Europe who were challenging all the traditions that they'd 6 inherited from the 19th century.


  • 1943年埃莉诺·罗斯福促成回归胜利菜园”活动,该项活动第一世界大战那些面临食物短缺问题的国家普及

    In 1943 Eleanor Roosevelt encouraged a return to the "victory gardens" that had become popular during the first world war, when the country faced food shortages.


  • 知道吗,炸薯条(Frenchfries)这个名词美国大兵第一世界大战比利时第一次品尝这种食物的时候创造出来的。

    Did you know that it was American Soldiers who coined the term "French Fries", when they tasted them for the first time in Belgium during World War I?


  • 在第一次世界大战他们大部分风俗习惯带来变化之前,他们的所有生活除了西班牙人之外,或许其它民族受到先例的制约。

    Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions, their whole lives were regulated; perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards, by a regard for precedent.


  • 尼古拉斯及其家族布尔什·维克逮捕当时,布尔什·维克控制第一世界大战期间崩溃之后俄罗斯,正忙于孟什维克即白军斗争

    Nicholas and his family were arrested by the Bolsheviks, who were then engaged in a struggle with the Mensheviks, or Whites, for control of Russia following the country's collapse during World War I.


  • 罗马尼亚东北部布加勒斯特东北偏一个城市。1861年前一直罗马尼亚首都第一次世界大战暂时作为首都。人口305,598。

    A city of northeast Romania north-northeast of Bucharest. It was the capital of the country until 1861 and temporarily during World War I. Population, 305,598.


  • 1923年今天,为解决现代土耳其领土边界划分问题洛桑条约瑞士签署,签署国有希腊保加利亚其他第一世界大战中参战国家

    1923 - The Treaty of Lausanne, settling the boundaries of modern Turkey, is signed in Switzerland by Greece, Bulgaria and other countries that fought in the First World War.


  • 20世纪20年代欧洲国家开始第一次世界大战中恢复过来制定紧缩计划减少进口美国农产品需求下降了

    In the 1920s demand for American farm products fell, as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity programs to reduce their imports.


  • 时值第一次世界大战英伦之外欧洲大陆烽烟四起却发现自己争论只有一个男人工作家庭能否喝上新鲜牛奶的问题。

    As world war raged outside, he found himself debating fresh milk, and whether it could be afforded by working-class households headed by a man in employment.


  • 段时期里,这位derdesders(最后最后),是这个国家唯一记得起第一世界大战因为曾经期间战斗过

    This derdesders, "the last of the last", was for a while the only man in the country who remembered the first world war because he had fought in it.


  • 里昂斯爵士最后拣选了各种语言中都发音清脆名字Jaguar根据第一次世界大战的一种飞行机器而命名

    Lyons Jazz finally chose a variety of languages ​​are pronounced in the name of crisp-Jaguar, which is based on a World War I flying machine named.


  • 第一世界大战期间法国负伤,1942年到1943年间他成为了一位吉尔任职的情报官员盟军北非登陆作战出谋划策。

    Wounded in France in the first world war, he became an intelligence officer in Tangier in 1942-43 and helped prepare the ground for the Allied landing in north Africa.


  • 1918年,流感使5000万将近世界人口三成,丢了性命,它所造成的影响远远超过刚刚结束的第一次世界大战

    In 1918, a flu pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people, nearly 3 percent of the world's population, a far greater impact than the just-concluded world War I.


  • 日期时间选择都富有深意,因为第一次世界大战就是1918年的11月1111:11终止的。

    The time and day was picked because fighting ceased in WWI in 1918 on November 11 at 11:11.


  • 象征性干旱颓废现代西方文明以及诗人自己的内心绝望荒凉前景第一次世界大战时期混乱和沮丧。

    This is symbolic of the aridity and decadence of modern western civilization as well as the poet's own inner despair at the desolate prospect of the post-World War I era, its chaos and frustration.


  • 象征性干旱颓废现代西方文明以及诗人自己的内心绝望荒凉前景第一次世界大战时期混乱和沮丧。

    This is symbolic of the aridity and decadence of modern western civilization as well as the poet's own inner despair at the desolate prospect of the post-World War I era, its chaos and frustration.


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