Whether you're behind the pharmacy counter or in the lab, you can rest easy.
It is the healthy cosmetic exported from France, only sold in the pharmacy around the world.
You may also want to buy a home blood pressure monitor, available in many drug stores, to measure your blood pressure more frequently.
So whether you're behind the pharmacy counter or in the lab, you can rest easy.
Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.
When you pick up a prescription at a pharmacy, you get a list of common side effects.
At the grocery stores you can just check it out at the spices section and you can just ask assistance from the pharmacist in a drug store.
They are commonly found in pharmacies and grocery stores and can be a great natural remedy.
Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?I need to buy some aspirin.
Nothing says more about the American mind-set than what consumers are buying, and ignoring, at drugstores, supermarkets and mass-merchandising outlets like Wal-Mart and Target.
在伦敦东北部哈克尼的Clockwork 药房,你可以在婴儿润肤露和拇囊炎膏药之间找到它。
At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the baby lotion and the bunion plasters.
Last fall, I was doing some pharmacy window-shopping in Germany and was struck by the amazing assortment of herbal teas that I saw.
A team of mostly French rescuers pulled a 24-year-old cashier, Richmond Exantos, from a collapsed hotel and pharmacy downtown around 4:30.
Only in America...... do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Even Sotheby's, which has had a Hirst in every major contemporary sale in London since “Pharmacy” in 2004, offered none of his art in this year's evening sale in June.
在1861年,这座房子成了Johann Abrakham进行摄影工作的地方,在1970年,作为同种疗法的药房;在十九世纪八十年代作为同种疗法的医学中心。
In 1861 the house became the place of the Johann Abrakham's photographic studio in 1970 - for the central homeopathic pharmacy and in 1980's - for the homeopathic medical centre.
With omega-3 rich fish and flaxseed oils now common in grocery and drug store supplement sections, maintaining a diet replete in these crucial fatty acids is not as hard as it once was.
I know a lot of people find valentine's day to be a commercialized, over-hyped, pressure-cooker of a holiday (um, take it easy with the chocolate aisles, drug stores).
Where is the nearest pharmacy? It is next to the Agriculture Bank of China.
A search warrant executed last July on Murray's las Vegas, Nevada, home and business turned up a receipt for propofol purchased on May 12, 2009, from a las Vegas pharmacy.
In Sichuan Province has more than 200 pharmacies are selling products to do.
In a typical traditional pharmacy, patients wait for their prescriptions facing the pharmacists and seating across the counter, enabling them to engage in conversations.
In my state, Massachusetts, doctorscan also use a specialized database to track every pharmacy a patient took controlled drugsfrom — an especially useful tool when drug abuse is suspected.
The pharmacy, laboratory and office area occupy the east wing.
医生:吃一些阿司匹林或扑热息痛应该会有帮助。你在去药房拿药时可以买一些。 。
Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.
Method: usage calculator network technique at the out-patient service pharmacy and to work the study of the mode.
OBJECTIVE: To establish a new mode for the reasonable and fair allocation of reward in each sections of hospital pharmacy.
OBJECTIVE: To establish a new mode for the reasonable and fair allocation of reward in each sections of hospital pharmacy.