• 介绍了如何地基系数计算条形基础;列举具体实例

    It is presented that how to calculate the strip footing with coefficient of ground and the specific examples are listed.


  • 弹性地基系数计算了弹性作用岩土体的应力

    By elastic foundation coefficient method, this paper calculated lateral stress that elastic pile ACTS on surrounding rock soil.


  • 工程中常用抗滑桩锚固内力计算方法地基系数

    The ground coefficient method is commonly used for internal force calculation for anti-slide piles and anchor caverns.


  • 基于地基系数折减法,提出高桩排架一个计算思路。

    Based on the degradation model of subgrade reaction, a new method is proposed for calculation of pile bent with all straight piles.


  • 分析温度地基系数阻尼几何参数、激励系统共振影响

    Analysised the impact of temperature, soil coefficient, damping and geometric parameters of the system, etc. on the main resonance.


  • 通过实测资料理论计算比较提出水平地基系数建议值。

    Suggested values of pile group horizontal foundation coefficients are given through comparison between observation data and theoretical calculation values.


  • 但是对于锚索设计计算大都采用弹性地基系数参数结合方法

    But generally speaking, the method of the calculation for the anchor pile design is the combination of elastic foundation coefficient and single parameter.


  • 指出抗滑桩内力计算传统方法地基系数应用于岩体抗滑桩,存在一些问题

    Some problems are pointed out when traditional foundation coefficient method is applied to the calculation of internal forces of stabilizing piles in rock masses.


  • 地基系数土体的作用复杂因素,通过文克尔假定简化单纯地基系数作用于桩上。

    For example foundation coefficient method simplifies complicated factors such as interaction between soil and pile as pure foundation coefficient through winkler assumption.


  • 根据国内外横向荷载钢管现场试验资料,本文提出作用下多层地基地基系数k_s经验公式

    According to the field data of Lateral loaded steel piles at home and abroad, an empirical formula for evaluating, modulus of subgrade reaction under static loading in layered soils was proposed.


  • 基础应用广泛 ,计算麻烦传统的计算方法只能考虑单一土层对于多层地基采用换算地基系数

    Pile foundation is used widely, but the calculation is troubled. Traditional calculation only considered single soil layer, it has to adopt equated foundation quotiety for multi soil layer foundation.


  • 土层分层支撑位置及抗弯刚度变化结点对围护墙体进行单元划分,地基系数考虑开挖面下被动土体横向抗力。

    In this paper, the retaining wall is divided into finite elements according to the layers of soil, rigidity change of retaining wall, elevations of bracing and so on.


  • 在试验室模拟路基现场工况,建立平板载荷试验模型进行地基系数载荷尺寸相关性试验与理论公式进行了对比。

    The experiment on the correlation between coefficient of foundation and size of loading plate is performed on experimental model of planar load test in lab, which can model field situation of roadbed.


  • 随着阻尼地基系数改变系统响应曲线具有“类刚度特征”。随着参数激励幅值的改变,系统响应曲线具有“类刚度特征”。

    The characteristic due to hard or soft stiffness may be altered as the parameters of damping, foundation, and excitation on the system are varied.


  • 通过计算还得到地基刚性系数临界流速影响规律

    The influence of rigidity coefficient of the foundation on the critical velocity is discussed in detail.


  • 传统安全系数确定地基承载力存在许多缺陷

    Conventional safety factor method for confirming the bearing capacity of foundation soil has many defects.


  • 地基系数岩土工程一个非常重要参数

    Foundation soil coefficient of subgrade reaction is an important computation parameter in geotechnical engineering.


  • 本文着重分析平均附加应力系数数学物理意义计算地基变形优点

    This paper stresses on the analysis of the mathematical and physical significance of the average additional stress coefficient and its merit in foundation deformation calculation.


  • 基础设计,干船坞设计规范介绍地基系数取用方法

    For design of foundation slab, method of evaluating coefficients of foundation bed has been introduced in the design Code for Dry Dock.


  • 给出双层地基圆形均布荷载、条形均布荷载矩形均布荷载作用下,中心轴线上和角点下分层界面应力系数

    For two-layered ground loaded by uniformly vertical circular, rectangular and strip pressure the coefficients of vertical stress at the interface are tatulated.


  • 应用样条解析求解均质粘弹性地基动力柔度系数

    A semi analytical procedure for determining the dynamic flexibility coefficient of the three dimensional viscoelastic non homogeneous foundation is developed.


  • 该类岩石以中–微风化为主,软化系数小于0.75,孔隙吸水裂隙贯通性,具有较大地基潜力

    The potential bearing capacity of this rock is relatively higher, having softing coefficient less than 0.75 with low pore rate, water absorptivity, and inferior crack connection.


  • 通过理论推导建立真空真空-堆载联合预压作用下地基沉降修正系数公式。

    The settlement correction factors for vacuum preloading and vacuum combined surcharging preloading are established based on theoretical derivation.


  • 定义倾覆稳定系数不仅荷载有关而且地基极限承载力确定关系

    This new safety factor not only has a certain relation to the load, but also has a certain relation to the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation.


  • 研究表明水平向渗透系数加载速率复合地基固结重要影响

    It is shown that the consolidation process of the composite ground is much more affected by both horizontal permeability coefficient and loading rate.


  • 但是多元复合地基设计理论计算方法并不成熟承载力发挥系数无法精确选取

    Because of the design-theory and the method of calculation are not mature, so that the efficiency factor of bearing capacity can not be selected accurately.


  • 通过变换矩阵递推求得层状地基系数与桩相互作用的柔度系数解析公式

    The analytical formulas, for the flexibility factor of single pile and the piles interaction, are derived by the transfer matrix.


  • 竖向固结系数水平向固结系数互相关性对地基固结概率特性一定程度影响

    Furthermore, the effects of vertical consolidation, radial consolidation and sand drained foundation on the sensitivity of uncertainty are investigated.


  • 竖向固结系数水平向固结系数互相关性对地基固结概率特性一定程度影响

    Furthermore, the effects of vertical consolidation, radial consolidation and sand drained foundation on the sensitivity of uncertainty are investigated.


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