Trademark Law also regulates the questions related with the protection of geographical indications.
At last, the paper briefly introduces XMLbased Geography Markup Language (GML).
Since XBMC is a MediaCenter the script has some geotagged media features.
More and more international treaties and laws relating to the protection of geographical indication have been made out.
Here "New York" is only a landmark. What it really shows are features of every modern city.
The geographical indication identifies the place of departure of special products and plays an important role in maintaining the international trade order, consumer's interests and the fame of origin.
Geography Mark Language (GML) is used to describe the spatial data in this paper. Then it studies on the organization, storage and management of GML data by integrating XML database technology.
The advent of XML gives an effective way. GML(Geographical Markup Language) is a XML application used for transmission and storage for geographical information.
基于XML的地理标记语言(Geography Markup Language,GML)被用作转换地理特性的编码。
The XML-based Geography Markup Language (GML) is used as the encoding for transporting the geographic features.
"There are event listings and business directory listings out there but none that are good enough yet, " Piard said, and "Geo-tagging goes hand-in-hand with this stuff.
gml名称空间(带有前缀gml)用于引用在地理标记语言中定义的元素gml: _ Feature和类型gml: _abstractgeometrytype。
The GML namespace (associated with the prefix GML) is for the references to the element GML: _feature and type GML: _abstractgeometrytype defined in the geography markup language.
在这里介绍的典型示例是一个应用程序,它处理以地理标记语言(Geography Markup Language,GML)编码的地理数据,GML 是表示地理数据的标准化XML词汇表。
The typical example introduced here is an application that processes geographic data encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML), a standardized XML vocabulary for representing geographic data.
The marker once again uses the latitude and longitude that you received from the geolocation API.
凯尔·莫里森(Kyle Morrison)在南极工作,她说,她在元旦抢拍了这张新地理极标记的照片。
Kyle Morrison, who works at the South pole, said she snapped this photo of the new geographic pole marker on new Year's Day.
Magnus could give a graphical representation of this data showing user accounts by geographic area (perhaps a map with markers locating an account holder at any given time).
Chris Hallgren's first efforts at Brightberry allowed users to share locations and place marks, monitor friends, send messages and post comments.
With data such as store name, address, store hours and GEO data being marked up using RDFa, search engines are now able to identify each of those data components more easily and put them into context.
JSON's markup is less verbose than that of XML, and the corresponding data is easier to visually comprehend.
Hays said many online photos have some sort of geographic label, but these human descriptions can often be incorrect, or overly broad, such as a photo of the Grand Canyon labeled "U.S."
现在您对 GSP以及Grails可以使用的其他视图技术应该有了进一步的了解,并更好地理解了在生成的众多页面中使用的默认标记。
You should now know a bit more about GSP and the alternate view technologies available to Grails. You should have a better understanding of the default tags used in many of the generated pages.
To better understand the mapping process, let's take a look at the class tag.
带标记的图像文件格式 (.tiff)是另一种常用的基于栅格的图像格式,GIS专家为适应地理学者的需要将其重命名为GeoTIFF。
Tagged image file format (.tiff) is another commonly used raster-based image format, which GIS specialists adapted to geographers' needs and renamed GeoTIFF.
The results from ISSR molecular markers showed obvious correlation with the agronomic characteristics classification and the geographical distribution of the bottle gourd accessions .
If the investigational product is marketed and its pharmacology is widely understood by medical practitioners, an extensive IB may not be necessary.
If the investigational product is marketed and its pharmacology is widely understood by medical practitioners, an extensive IB may not be necessary.