• 那次飞机坠毁十分可怕的

    That plane crash was a terrible business.


  • 机组人员发动机后就坠毁了。

    The crash occurred when the crew shut down the wrong engine.


  • 火箭离开地面秒钟便坠毁

    The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground.


  • 飞机坠毁遇难者大都立即惨死。

    Most of the crash victims were killed outright.


  • 直升机坠毁在附近地面上

    The helicopter crashed to earth nearby.


  • 飞机在乌斯蒂附近神秘地坠毁

    The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.


  • 飞机坠毁机上157名乘客全部遇难

    The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers aboard.


  • 架直升机瓦列霍起火爆炸坠毁

    A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo.


  • 我们坠毁是不是

    We're going to crash, aren't we?


  • 机场经理那次飞机坠毁没有明显原因

    The deputy airport manager said there was no apparent explanation for the crash.


  • 飞机大雾坠毁

    The plane crashed in thick fog.


  • 害怕飞机坠毁

    She was frightened that the plane would crash.


  • 飞行员报告发动机有故障秒钟飞机坠毁了。

    The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.


  • 收到消息说法国发生了一起严重飞机坠毁事故。

    News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France.


  • 如果小鸟毁坏了一部发动机坏的情形飞机坠毁

    The worst-case scenario is an aircraft will crash if a bird destroys an engine.


  • 听说昨天飞机坠毁事件吗?

    Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday?


  • 梦见飞机坠毁

    She dreamed of a plane crash.


  • 飞机山坡上坠毁

    The airplane crashed on a hillside.


  • 飞机突然坠毁了。

    The crash came suddenly.


  • 飞机起飞不久就坠毁了,因为飞机无法上升到足够高度飞越群山

    The crash happened shortly after take-off when the plane was unable to gain enough height to clear the mountains.


  • 德国当局正在派遣研究人员调查昨天晚些时候特内里费岛发生飞机坠毁事故原因

    The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the island of Tenerife.


  • 似乎不够,巴西C-130大力神军用运输机2014年坠毁以来一直搁置在智利空军基地附近跑道上

    As if that were not enough, a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile's airbase here since it crash-landed in 2014.


  • 埃及航空公司804次航班坠毁悲剧一次提醒人们为什么要这么做,那次航班可能是在地中海上空被恐怖分子击落的。

    The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804, which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea, provides another tragic reminder of why.


  • 他们飞机一次训练演习坠毁了。

    Their aircraft went down during a training exercise.


  • 架飞机向下旋冲后坠毁

    The aircraft went into a tailspin before crashing.


  • 2018年5月18日,古巴一架波音737客机在哈瓦那坠毁,造成100多人死亡。

    The Boeing 737 of Cuba airline crashed in Havana on May 18, 2018, which caused more than 100 deaths.


  • 周日,有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员之一科比·布莱恩特与他的女儿在一次直升机坠毁事故中去世。

    Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, died in a helicopter (直升飞机) crash (坠毁) with his daughter on Sunday.


  • 黑暗机甲坠毁,青蛙军曹取得胜利

    The Dark Mech crashed and Keroro claimed victory.


  • 飞机坠毁情景铭刻的心中

    The plane crash was branded on his mind.


  • 飞机机翼空中脱落,飞机坠毁

    The wing of the plane broke away in mid-air and the plane crashed.


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