• 尸体埋藏薄薄的下面。

    The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.


  • 埃斯康迪达西班牙语中有“隐藏意思,正暗示铜矿的矿体埋藏废石几百米深的地方,地表却一丝痕迹也看不出来。

    Escondida means "hidden" in Spanish, and it refers to the fact that the copper ore body was buried beneath hundreds of meters of barren rock, and the surface geology gave no signs of its presence.


  • 电影我们看不到冷却装置不过,在所有爆炸品处理套服下面埋藏这个拆弹专家的良友:一个内藏式防火,冰凉的液体灌注其中并流全身

    You can't see it in the film, but underneath all this gear is the EOD tech's best friend: a flame-resistant inner layer that circulates ice water all over the body.


  • 中原油田白庙凝析气藏具有埋藏构造复杂,凝析含量特点

    Baimiao condensate reservoir has the characteristics of deep burial, complicated structure, poor physical property, and high content of condensate oil.


  • 低渗特点原因岩溶作用强度不够埋藏

    Reservoir rocks are characterized with low porosity and permeability, due to weak karstification and deep burial.


  • 并且随着埋藏深度增加,要求作为仓储砂砾岩体厚度也随之增大。

    With the burial depth increasing, the thickness of glutenite body as storage layer should be thicker.


  • 莫西庄油田庄1井区具有油藏埋藏、储、气油高等特点

    The reservoir of Zhuang-1 well block In Moxizhuang Oilfield has the characters of deep buried, poor physical property and high gas-oil ratio.


  • 埋藏厚度变化油气聚集成复杂

    Reservoir of the belt is deep buried and large thickness variation that made oil-gas accumulation more complicated.


  • 研究区域内埋藏、压强烈属于典型

    In the studied area, the reservoirs, which buried deeply with strong compactness, belong to typical low porosity and low permeability reservoirs.


  • 降水少量决定埋藏深度而厚度薄膜水带的存在引起土壤发育的直接作用的因素

    The key factors causing soil dried layers are great thickness and depth of membrane water zone under ground as well as small thickness of gravity water zone.


  • 塔河油田碳酸盐岩储集具有岩性埋藏地温裂缝连通性特点

    The carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield have the features of pure lithology, deep burial depth, high formation temperature, poor connection of the fractures.


  • 新疆油田渗透孔隙型油藏未动用储量主要特点为储量丰度低、油藏埋藏深度变化范围

    The non-producing reserves are mainly characterized by poor petrophysical property, low reserve abundance and large variation of reservoir buried depth, etc.


  • 本文介绍了我国海上S油田主要及其厚度埋藏深度沉积环境

    In this paper, the major reservoirs in S-offshore oil field and thir thickness, buried depths as well as depositional environments were introduced.


  • 中原油田一个复杂砂岩油气田储集埋藏渗透率非均质严重

    Zhongyuan oil field is a complex fault block sandstone reservoir, which has deep oil reservoir rock, low permeability and serious heterogeneity.


  • 渤海南堡油田由于埋藏、岩性疏松、胶结强度钻探过程出现了井扩大问题,给钻井评价工作带来很大的困难。

    The caliper problem occurred during the drilling in the Nanpu oilfield, due to shallow depth in the reservoir, unconsolidated formation and lower gel strength.


  • 由于埋藏探井少缺乏三维地震资料预测工作带来很大难度

    Because it is buried deeply with few exploration Wells and lacking of 3-d seismic data, it is very hard to predict the reservoir.


  • 公伯峡水电站坝区第三系广泛埋藏全风化这些古全风化岩电站各个工程边坡、洞室及局部基础均有出露。

    The ancient wholly-weathered rock is widely embedded in red strata of the Tertiary system in the dam region of Gongboxia Hydropower Station.


  • 辽中凹陷沙河街组部分东营组埋藏深度大及储物性变化特点制约了中深油气勘探

    The exploration of mid-deep oil and gas is constrained mainly by reservoir petrophysical changes of deep Dongying and Shahejie Formations.


  • 濮凹陷杜桥白地区天然气储集埋藏深、岩性复杂、断多、地变化大。

    The gas bearing reservoir in Du Qiao Bai of Dong Pu depression is deep-lying reservoir with variableformation water, multi-blocks and complex lithology features.


  • 埋藏温度的油气藏进行压裂改造,需要解决压裂低温胶、快速返排伤害问题

    The primal problem in low temperature and shallow gas reservoirs is to overcome the break, the flowing back, and the damage of the fracturing fluids.


  • 埋藏溶蚀作用改善起到至关重要作用。

    Burial dissolution is of great importance in reforming the reservoir physical property.


  • 轮南潜山奥陶系埋藏、地温度、孔隙裂缝发育等特征给酸压施工酸压材料带来诸多困难。

    The Ordovician carbonate reservoir of Lunnan buried hill is deeply buried underground. The reservoir temperature is high, and fractures develop.


  • 油田埋藏,属于典型高温高压孔特渗裂缝砂岩油气藏

    Due to deep reservoir bed, Anpeng Oilfield is a typical sand oil and gas reservoir with high temperature, high pressure, low porosity and poor permeability.


  • 油田埋藏深浅的不同造成地震响应程度的不同,也就决定了储预测方法手段存在差别

    The oilfield, some is shallow, some is deep, it lead to different seismic response, then lead to different methods to predict.


  • 不同损伤尺寸合板分别有整体、混合局部三种屈曲模态,穿透脱埋藏临界载荷变化规律相同

    The change in critical load value of both composite laminate plates with embedded and through-width delamination shows the same pattern for various delamination size.


  • 龙岗西地区属于勘探区块,具有油气埋藏深、地质条件复杂非均质强、可异常高压段发育等特点

    West Longgang is a newly explored region, characterized by deeply buried reservoir, complicated geographic features, obvious heterogeneity, poor drillability, abnormal high pressure interval, and etc.


  • 龙岗西地区属于勘探区块,具有油气埋藏深、地质条件复杂非均质强、可异常高压段发育等特点

    West Longgang is a newly explored region, characterized by deeply buried reservoir, complicated geographic features, obvious heterogeneity, poor drillability, abnormal high pressure interval, and etc.


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