GJB2 gene knockout mice led to death during embryonic period.
The upshot was that the knockout mice ate considerably more than the normal animals.
In addition, the knockout mice might be useful as models to study mania.
Conclusions Perivascular common carotid collar placement can accelerate atherosclerotic plaque formation in apolipoprotein E-knock out mice.
To examine this pathway in more detail, the researchers deleted the DDAH gene in mice.
Objective: To study the effects of water extract from Paris Polyphylla Smith on advanced plaques in ApoE gene knockout mice.
The PTEN knock-out mouse is one model of chronic liver injury that ultimately leads to liver cancer.
Female wild-type mice on an ethanol-rich diet had 4 times as much alanine aminotransferase (ALT), indicating liver injury, than mice lacking the osteopontin gene.
Oliver is now studying tumors in which the PIDD gene has been knocked out, to see if its absence hinders drug resistance.
The D3R knock-out mice have also been generated. The results from these mice show D3R plays a secondary role in physiological condition.
In this paper, the basic principles of gene knockout, several common techniques and their application in microbial breeding were introduced.
The widespread use of gene knockout technology promotes the course of the research of gene function in post genomic era greatly.
Conditional gene knock-out has become an important means to research gene function in vertebrates.
Moreover, it regulates gene knock-out spatially and temporally. Conditional gene knock-out has become an important means to research gene function in vertebrates.
In addition, several useful laboratory techniques, e. g. small RNA interference and gene knockout are comprehensively introduced during the lecture.
The researchers also conducted experiments using knockout mice lacking specific taste receptors in their tongues.
In addition, the knockout mice might be useful as a model to study mania, as there is no other animal model available yet.
"The knockout mice are not exercising any more than the control mice used in the study. They're just burning more energy," Saltiel said.
Although heart wall thickness was reduced overall, specific areas exhibited morphological changes consistent with myxomatous degeneration in the walls of knockout hearts.
However, it was recently shown that the reproductive defects of COX-2-deficient mice mainly depend upon genetic background of the mouse strains.
ResultsIschemia and reperfusion caused renal injury as indicated by the increase of BUN and serum creatinine levels, which was exacerbated by HSF1 knock out.
Our group has shown in 2004 that in knockout mice that are partially protected from a loss in nerve function.
以前的研究表明,COX - 2基因敲除的小鼠是不孕的,并且排卵、受精、着床以及蜕膜化均出现异常。
A previous study showed that COX-2-deficient females are infertile with abnormalities in ovulation, fertilization, implantation and decidualization.
By changing gene expression patterns during development through knockouts, conditional knockouts, or overexpression, the changes in the system can be explored.
The Red mediated recombination can be used to insert, delete or substitute DNA sequences at any desired position on a target molecule without the need for restriction enzymes or DNA ligases.
小鼠ptp - 1b基因敲除及反义核苷酸治疗实验表明PT P - 1b是治疗糖尿病和肥胖症的潜在靶标。
Recent PTP-1B gene knock-out studies and anti-sense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatment in mice have identified PTP-1B as a potential target for chemotherapy of diabetes and obesity.
In mice genetically engineered to lack AEP, both the drug and an artificial stroke resulted in reduced DNA damage and less brain cell death than in regular mice.
Conclusion The activity of the histaminergic system decreased and the decrease might be one of the compensatory mechanisms for maintenance of the normal sleep in the null mice lacking DPR.
This paper introduced the principle, the targeting strategies, the screening mechanism and the commonly method in animals, plants and micro-organisms of gene knockout.
This paper introduced the principle, the targeting strategies, the screening mechanism and the commonly method in animals, plants and micro-organisms of gene knockout.