This book takes a fun approach to this difficult programming topic, teaching readers the fundamentals they need to know through the unique method of game programming.
In fact, in the software book market, a reader is nearly always a user; the popularity of tutorial-style books proves it.
Most readers are familiar with VNC's basic operation: put a VNC server on a central machine, then VNC clients hosted remotely can view the central machine's graphical display.
Readers now have more sites than ever to keep up with, and visiting all of them on a regular basis is next to impossible.
Here are answers to some basic questions about the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Though not technical in nature, the book does assume a basic understanding of the software development lifecycle process and best practices.
纯x ML对最终读者没有用处,因此清单2是一个基本php脚本,用于将内容呈现给一个不确定的读者。
The bare XML is of no use to the final reader, so Listing 2 is a basic PHP script that presents the content to an unspecified audience.
读者需要回答一些基本的问题:什么是UML ?
The discussion assumes a basic understanding of requirements engineering, ideally using use cases.
This article assumes you are familiar with basic object-oriented concepts, such as classes, objects, methods, and inheritance.
Likewise, newspaper and magazine publishers don't charge readers anything close to the actual cost of creating, printing, and distributing their products.
I look forward to seeing how readers are able to put these helpful base index classes to use.
这篇文章给大家提出一 些基本的小贴士,希望让读者更加有效地阅读科研文章。
The intent of this article is to provide some basic tips on reading research reports.
In addition, the GUI must allow the user to perform basic operations like zooming and panning and makes it easy to perform the specialized tasks you have in mind.
In order to maximize the benefits of reading a research report it is important to have at least a basic understanding of research methods and statistics.
Readers should have a basic understanding of developing and installing portlets, and of customizing pages.
Packt Publishing专为InfoQ读者提供了书摘,描述了jPDL语言的基本结构,这篇书摘是取自该书的《第4章:jPDL语言》。
Packt Publishing provided InfoQ readers with an excerpt describing basic constructs of the jPDL language. The excerpt is a part of chapter 4: jPDL Language.
Readers should have basic experience in portlet development and Web application development.
This tutorial is intended for readers with moderate UNIX or Linux familiarity and an understanding of basic IP networking concepts.
I assume that the reader has at least a basic understanding of Atom and JSON.
本文假设读者有基本的Rubyon Rails的知识。
The article expects the reader to have a basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails.
This tutorial assumes familiarity with some basic concepts of the Eclipse IDE, including views, editors, and panels.
This tutorial assumes familiarity with some basic concepts of the Eclipse IDE, including views, editors, panels, and so on.
This tutorial assumes you have familiarity with some basic concepts of the Eclipse IDE, including views, editors, panels, and so on.
It's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience.
It's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience.