• 堕落天使曾经臭名昭著无法无天摩托党。

    The Hell's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs.


  • 2007年,主演美国内战史诗堕落天使》。

    In 2007, he starred in the American Civil War epic "Seraphim Falls".


  • 动漫堕落天使桌面图片_堕落

    Ophiel the fallen Angel Drawing …


  • 堕落天使再次唱起生命之歌

    Degenerates the angel to sing song of once more the life.


  • 堕落天使化身成异端神灵,有尔顿本无须说明。

    Milton's been noting that some of the pagan deities that the fallen angels eventually became were male and some were female.


  • 重拾画笔试一个以后进入正题了!-堕落天使

    Restore the brush, try a later, enter the main subject of this! - Fallen Angel.


  • 这个地狱堕落天使可以拿着铲子锤子,地下金矿

    It's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extract with spades and pick axes.


  • 这个地狱堕落天使可以拿着铲子锤子,取地下的金矿

    It 's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extract with spades and pick axes.


  • 成为自己堕落影子个不天堂也不被地狱信任堕落天使

    He became a corrupt shadow of his former self - a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell.


  • 很明显方面邪恶这些堕落天使建立堕落机构还要更复杂

    Clearly, it's evil in all sorts of ways. This is the fallen institution established by the fallen angelsbut it's more complicated than that.


  • 华丽绝望枯萎黑暗奏响死亡乐章,血海之上,摆弄堕落天使的宏伟殿堂

    Gorgeous despair wither into the war, on the death of the dark played music, playing with blood, the palace of the fallen angels.


  • 很明显方面邪恶这些堕落天使建立,的堕落机构还要复杂。 。

    Clearly, , it's evil in all sorts of ways. This is the fallen institution established by thefallen angels -- but it's more complicated than that.


  • 控制别人背后强调父亲管制堕落天使西弗,谁失去控制,耶和华仇视。

    A desire to control others is the underlining reason behind all this, and who is the father of control but the fallen angel, Lucifer, who lost control and hates all that is from Yahveh.


  • 堕落天使:人家爱情可以改变一个发现越来越,越来越有魅力了。头发变成了金色

    It is said love can change a person, I find I am becoming more and more handsome and attractive. Even my hairs have also turned golden.


  • 之水那些堕落天使,忘记他们堕落的处境,忘记自己堕落这一现实,忘记自己是从幸福天堂堕落事实

    To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, to forget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.


  • 撒旦堕落天使正在进入,混战地狱绝妙的建筑去,突然,所有天使们都缩小了身形,以来进入栋建筑中。

    Satan and the fallen angels are entering the magnificent structureof Pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit in to the building, however big it is.


  • 束腰外衣定是给予了被抛弃者荣耀以及一个堕落天使微光钟形袖子长膝盖

    The tunic must have given me a castoff glory, the shimmer of a fallen angel. It had long bell sleeves and came to my knees.


  • 束腰外衣定是给予了被抛弃者荣耀以及一个堕落天使微光,它钟形袖子长膝盖。 。

    Thee tunic must have given me a castoff glory, the shimmer of a fallen angel . Ithad long bell sleeves and came to my knees.


  • 尔顿提供了贪欲之神形象正如学期这一门你们始终看到的,贪欲之神,《失乐园变成,弥尔顿地狱主要堕落天使之一

    It also provides Milton with the figure of Mammon who will, as you will see over the course of this semester become - well, here in Paradise Lost he's one of the key fallen angels in Milton's hell.


  • 陪审团各位先生女士,即将要向你们展示历史,将会令堕落天使——那个被误传为“单纯、高贵的六翼天使都妒忌。来见识一下这些痛苦而纠缠不清的经历吧。

    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.


  • 堕落天使正在进入建筑宏伟魔殿,突然,所有天使为了适应这座建筑而缩小,无论它有多大。

    The fallen angels are entering the magnificent structure of pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit into the building.


  • 我们只能想象堕落天使暗淡的变幻的那个来的农民看到的那样。

    We can only imagine the fallen angels with a kind of dim and uncertain light just as the belated peasant sees.


  • 尽管白银并非正式意义上的“堕落天使”,价格相对日益增长的基础需求一个值得考虑的问题。

    While not a Fallen Angel in the formal sense, it's depressed price relative to the growing fundamental case for silver makes it worth considering.


  • 这个比喻强烈可怕转折来结尾,-你们尔顿的诗里一再看到这个特点,-一个堕落天使遭受到的可怕的转折。

    Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.


  • 这个比喻强烈可怕转折来结尾,-你们尔顿的诗里一再看到这个特点,-一个堕落天使遭受到的可怕的转折。

    Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.


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