But while retailers say they are continuing their efforts to reduce bag use, there is less publicity around the issue.
No one can avoid using plastic bags in our daily lives and too many plastic bags bring about many problems.
The town's stand is laudable but will have only a limited effect on what is, after all, a statewide problem. The Connecticut Legislature rebuffed a proposed statewide ban last year.
Of course, Britain is not the first place to try to tackle the plastic-bag problem.
Folding your mohair sweater, placing it in a sealed plastic bag and putting it in the freezer for a few hours should solve this problem.
If you belong to an environmental or community organization, lobby to have the plastic bag issue added to the agenda.
It makes the peoples re-consider resources problem like the packing etc. that the white garbage deluging becomes one of the topics that establishing economize society.
But with all the benefits of plastic bags comes a long list of 9 nagging problems, and the most problematic of all is their 10 sheer persistence.
But with all the benefits of plastic bags comes a long list of 9 nagging problems, and the most problematic of all is their 10 sheer persistence.