In another case, American archaeologists Rene Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City.
Most telling is the illegal market. Judging by the stalls around Mexico City, Mexican movies are a big part of business for the pirates.
Interjet, a gutsy budget airline that has opened some (relatively) cheap routes in Mexico, has just started flying from Mexico City to Guatemala City.
According to the Mexico Tourism Board, Cancún, Mexico City, and Los Cabos were the top three destinations visited by Americans last year.
The spring getaway in Mexico sees long lines of cars escaping the fug of Mexico City for the breezy Pacific coast.
到了星期五,总部设在日内瓦的世界卫生组织在一份文告中指出,在墨西哥的墨西哥城及其他两个城市已先后发现大约900个猪流感疑似病例,其中怀疑大约有60例死亡,而死亡病例中有18例已确认是H 1 N 1猪流感病毒引起的。
Then on Friday the WHO in Geneva said in a statement there have been around 900 suspected cases of swine flu in Mexico City and two other regions of Mexico, with around 60 suspected deaths.
Little wonder, then, that under 10% of residents of Mexico City and State trust their local officers, among the lowest rates in the country.
To its authors, the proposal reflects social changes in Mexico City, where they say most divorces occur in the first two years.
San Antonio offers just three or four daily flights to Mexico City and only one to Monterrey.
He fears that in the state of Mexico, which borders the capital and contains most of its suburbs, regulation of industry and checks on motorists are weaker.
Two girls walk out from a store selling Chinese new year goods in Mexico's Chinatown in Mexico City on Jan. 29, 2008.
Mexico is currently enjoying a boom in design. Mexico City has been named World design Capital for 2018, and Guadalajara is emerging as a hub for young architects.
Mexico is in the southern area of North America. Its national flower is a cactus. Its capital is Mexico City. Mexicans speak Spanish.
Mexico CITY - Mexico's top health official said Thursday the number of new swine flu cases is stabilizing in the nation at the epicenter of the outbreak.
The CFC found that flights to and from Mexico City were between 40% and 80% dearer than those to less strangled airports.
这本书构成了墨西哥的第三次国际会议的人工智能,MICAI 2004年在墨西哥城,2004年4月在墨西哥举行的审阅程序。
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2004, held in Mexico City, Mexico in April 2004.
Mexican police have arrested at least six hijackers who seized a passenger jet flying from Cancun to Mexico City.
Mexico successfully relaunched Wall Street Institute in 2010, the first center of this new incarnation of WSI is Zona Rosa Center in Mexico City.
Mexico city remains the only city in Mexico with a similar law.
According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" reported that the World Medical researchers in Mexico City at the World AIDS Conference issued a report, released the results of research on this.
In China, the air ticket market is the most sensitive one. A situation has emerged that the airplanes to Mexico are nearly empty while the air tickets back to China are hard to buy.
According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" reported that the World Medical researchers in the capital, Mexico City, Mexico at the World AIDS Conference issued a report published this research.
While many businessmen and foreigners wholive in the city rely on taxis and car services, Mexico City's metro is still the most popularway to get around for the masses.
As we were just go Mexico city to exhibit glass art, I immediately use network to look for information about it, however, I could not collect some related information about Monterrrey glass museum.
"We are very happy," said Mexico City lawyer Leticia Bonifaz, who argued Mexico City's case.
"We are very happy," said Mexico City lawyer Leticia Bonifaz, who argued Mexico City's case.