Practicing good habits: Nuns waiting at Mexico City International Airport on April 27 don surgical masks to avoid catching swine flu.
A British male flight attendant from a British Airways flight from Mexico City to Heathrow has been given the all-clear after having hospital tests when he showed flu-like symptoms.
At Mexico City's international airport, passengers were questioned to try to prevent anyone with flu symptoms from boarding airplanes and spreading the disease.
The CFC found that flights to and from Mexico City were between 40% and 80% dearer than those to less strangled airports.
In England, authorities stressed that a crew member who developed flu-like symptoms during a flight from Mexico City to Heathrow did not test positive for swine flu.
In England, authorities stressed that a crew member who developed flu-like symptoms during a flight from Mexico City to Heathrow did not test positive for swine flu.