Day-planners are purchased. I stock up on fancy food because I'm also planning on morphing into a master chef and actually cooking instead of just eating nachos for dinner every night.
Many of our favorite summer foods are far from healthy - hot dogs and s 'mores around the campfire, barbecue and beer by the grill, burgers and nachos at the baseball park.
Many of our favorite summer foods are far from healthy - hot dogs ands 'mores around the campfire, barbecue and beer by the grill, burgers and nachos at the baseball park.
This is also a combination that can be as unique as it's maker - as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.
With the wide variety of ethnic finger foods available today, along with classics such as french fries and nachos, should more of us be washing our hands before sitting down to eat at restaurants?
Better, he argues, to try to control the message by speaking deliberately to anyone who isout there than let them to form their own conclusions from ads for tortilla chips.
Better, he argues, to try to control the message by speaking deliberately to anyone who isout there than let them to form their own conclusions from ads for tortilla chips.