• 获得一个优秀的概要夏天海滩

    Gain an excellent overview of Summerland Beach.


  • 影片选择一个场景高中通常最好选择但是夏天海滩或者购物广场也不赖。如果野心十足 也可以这些不同场景全都用上。

    Step 2Pick a setting for the movie. High school is usually the best, but a beach during summer or a shopping mall is good. Or if you're ambitious, mix it up with different scenes set all over.


  • 夏天周末人们成群结队地涌Dino Beach 的人造海滩,一个热带风暴水上乐园

    A summer weekend sends people flocking to the seaside-like setting of Dino Beach, a suburban water park.


  • 夏天海滩度假的好时光但是不要耗费所有天数沙滩放松

    Summer is a great time for beach vacations, but try not to spend all your days relaxing in the sand.


  • 1942年夏天沃尔特芒克前往海滩

    IN the summer of 1942, Walter Munk went to the beach.


  • 每年夏天,义大利海滩度假地会迎来数百万的游客。 据义大利海岸防卫介绍他们每年营救的落水者数量达3000——而这些救生犬就曾救过条人命

    With millions flocking to Italy's crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year - and their canine helpers are credited with saving several lives.


  • 过去年中,一些欧洲内陆城市通过在市里建造临时海滩居民提供沙滩上夏天乐趣。

    Over the past few years, landlocked cities across Europe have been setting up temporary beaches to offer their residents a summer's day on the sand.


  • 时刻一直携带就像是挂在我某个漫长夏天海滩拾到的贝壳

    It is one of those memories that I carry around, and always will, like the shard of a shell that falls out of a bag you took to the beach for a long summer.


  • 上个夏天当地海滩水边休闲时。一个年轻男孩全速身边穿过,窜入浅湾冲浪

    This past Sunday I was relaxing at the water's edge of a local beach when a young boy ran full speed right by me and into the shallow surf.


  • 夏天我们亲戚就会全国各地赶来拜访我们然后全部人一起海滩一周左右

    Once each summer, our relatives from around the country will visit us, and we all stay at the beach for a week or so.


  • 足够志愿人员已组织起来使海滩在整个夏天保持清洁。

    Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer.


  • 夏天可以黑海周围一些海滩享受清凉例如海滩海滩,它们可以说是是欧洲风景最美海滩

    In the summer, you can cool off at some of Europe's most beautiful beaches by the Black Sea, such as Nirvana beach and Perla beach.


  • 夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人海滩露宿

    Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches.


  • 辂群每年夏天许多游客青岛海滩度假

    There are a lot of tourists coming to the beach of Qingdao every summer.


  • 夏天海滩很好玩

    Summertime is fun at the beach.


  • 这个夏天,我们当中许多人都有幸能够来到热带海滩自己穿上脚蹼潜水面罩一探海洋生物。

    Many of us lucky enough to be hitting a tropical beach this summer will find ourselves strapping on fins and snorkel masks to check out the local Marine life.


  • 每年夏天超过25万前往地中海度假胜地海滩假期。

    Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resorts and beaches for their vacation.


  • 去年夏天被迫拖曳海滩上空,因而举世闻名驴子心脏筋疲力尽后已溘然长逝,牠的照顾者

    A donkey who last summer shot to international fame after being forced to parasail above the beaches of southern Russia has died after her heart gave out, her minders said.


  • 夏天天气这么喜欢在晚上朋友一起海滩

    In the summer, the weather is such hot and I like to go to beach with my friends in the evening.


  • 今年夏天要前往的目的地巴厘岛海滩

    My destination this summer is a beach in Bali.


  • 海洋意味着绵延不断嵯峨岩石阳光灿烂白色海滩,每夏天千百万城市来到这里渡假

    The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays.


  • 我们现在正在蔚蓝色太平洋马里海滩这里夏天最佳去处,可以这里冲浪、在海滩上游玩、钓鱼可以享用美味的食物

    We are right here in Malibu on the blue Pacific. There's no better place than Malibu in the summertime. You can surf, enjoy the beaches, fish and have great food, too.


  • 夏天峭壁顶端植物会朝着下面海滩撒下为数不多的种籽,就象一个大富翁朝乞丐几个零钱一样。

    Each summer the vegetation at the top of the cliff drops a handful of seeds on to the beach, the way a rich man throws loose change to beggars.


  • 2001年起,巴黎塞纳河岸每年夏天都会铺设出人造海滩为了保持海滩宁静,巴黎市政厅已经颁布了一项杜绝不文明着装行为法令

    City hall has issued a decree banning indecent clothing to preserve the tranquility of the sandy beaches created on the banks of the River Seine every summer since 2001.


  • 加州夏季时间很长对于海滩男孩”而言,那一年四季夏天他们有关他们喜爱运动的歌曲,冲浪

    It is summer almost all year long in California. And it was summer all the time for the Beach Boys. They sang about their favorite activities, like riding the ocean waves on surfboards.


  • 加州夏季时间很长对于海滩男孩”而言,那一年四季夏天他们有关他们喜爱运动的歌曲,冲浪

    It is summer almost all year long in California. And it was summer all the time for the Beach Boys. They sang about their favorite activities, like riding the ocean waves on surfboards.


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