A multivariate regression equation was deduced with a multivariate linear regression model.
Finally if establishes model of multivariate linear regression. The results shows that the model is effective.
And we forecast the vehicle population from 2007 to 2017 by use of multi-linear regression model.
The valuable influence factors were filtrated and formulated with multivariate regression analysis model.
Prediction to the regression parameters was converted to predict cross product matrix of the variable augmented matrix.
摘要目的 初步探索种植修复基台就位疼痛的临床影响因素,并建立多元线性回归模型。
Abstract : Objective To explore the pain involved clinical factors during seating dental implant restoration abutments and establish a multivariable linear regression model.
We may see the multi-dimensional linear regression model's estimation precision is higher, and the model stability is better, it has certain feasibility.
The multiple liner regression model indicated that serum TC level was significantly associated with accumulative noise dose, but negative associate with scale of hot environment.
This paper considers the effects of some economic factors to residential electricity consumption, and builds the multiple liner regressive equations MLRE using historical data.
Finally, the performance of information diffusion yield estimation model was compared with multiple linear regression model and BP neural network model.
Then, stepwise regression analysis is used to select a best group of factors for the prediction of expressway incident duration, and the multiple linear regression model is established.
Based on the analysing of the data, selected relevant factors, made a series of tests and amendments with models, then created forest volume estimation optimal multivariate linear regression model.
Method Questionnaire and human capital method were used in calculation of economic burden of disease and the multi linear regression model was explored to analyze the factors.
本文以多元线性回归模型的典则形式为研究对象,从减小均方误差的角度出发,在一定的范围内分析了岭参数K 的存在性和岭估计的优良性。
The investigation object of this paper is the standard canonical form. In order to the mean square error, I analyze the existence and choiceness of ridge regression K in some spectrum.
依据鄱阳湖地区1949 ~ 2002年耕地面积和社会经济统计数据,运用主成分分析和多元线性回归模型等统计方法分析该地区耕地面积变化的驱动因素。
Based on statistical data of cultivated land and social and economic factors from 1949 to 2002 in Poyang Lake region, this paper discusses the driving forces by multi-variable statistical method.
Based on these, multiple linear regression, LMBP, MOBP, VLBP and BRBP model are used to forecast oil-gas prospecting cost, and each of their forecasting performances is compared.
By using multivariate linear regression analysis, the mathematical model to classify and evaluate reservoir with well logging data was established.
After expounding the modeling method of multiple linear regression based on least square algorithm, the thermal distortion model is modelled.
Based on this, forecast model for slope stability was studied by multivariate linear regression and BP neural network methods, and the results were compared with those by limit equilibrium method.
With regression analysis, a mathematics model of both simple linear and multiple linear regressions were established.
Then it established the mathematical model of temperature and thermal errors using the polynomial linear regression theory.
Analyzed the Shanghai for 1995 to 2004 year trash to have the quantity data every year, from this proposed might apply to the town refuse forecast many Yuan linear return forecast model.
In this paper, a new model system is introduced, which synthetically applies time series model, nonlinear regression and combination forecasting model to forecast the change of the market price.
A stable quantitative model is provided for a developed filter-based near infrared detection instrument by using a multiple linear regression algorithm to select the optimal quantitative wavelength.
Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.
The nonlinear multiple spline progressive regression model is used in the medium-range prediction of sununer harvest.
By introducing fuzzy control variable, the paper proposes a fuzzy multiple linear regression model which can get more effective and more understandable fuzzy regression expression.
We combine unitary nonlinear regression with multivariate linear regression, it can reduce the error sum of squares of the model and improve the precision of forecast.
We combine unitary nonlinear regression with multivariate linear regression, it can reduce the error sum of squares of the model and improve the precision of forecast.