• Nova Wang20岁,是一湖北省武汉大学二年级学生,她正在追俄罗斯流行喜剧《实习医生》第三,该剧于2010年首次开播。

    Nova Wang, a 20-year-old sophomore in Wuhan, Hubei Province, is following the third season of a popular Russian comedy Interny, which made its debut in 2010.


  • 在2001年六月20岁迈克尔大学年级的学生几个被查出患了一种罕见白血病。一想到要给儿子增加痛苦感到不安

    It was June 2001, and just the thought of causing any more pain to 20-year-old Michael, a college sophomore diagnosed a few months earlier with a rare form of leukemia, made her anxious.


  • 2011年工作(岗位)同比去年增加17%,许多公司已经哥伦比亚大学年级法律系的学生进行

    The number of firms that have signed up to interview Columbia 2l's for Summer 2011 jobs has increased 17% over last year.


  • 如今加州大学艾琳159名大二年级学生进行了问卷调查

    Eileen Zurbriggen of the University of California polled 159 sophomores.


  • 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(ucla)年级学习微积分课程Moradian经历了一特别痛苦的时间那之后Mike Moradian就如果学生教授本人的评级了解越多,那么他们一定从中受益

    After experiencing a particularly rough time in a calculus class during his sophomore year at UCLA, Mike Moradian began to think students could benefit from knowing more about how professors grade.


  • 大学年级水平学生开始景观建筑设计学习

    At the sophomore level, students begin four years of study in landscape architectural design.


  • 大学年级海伦小姐了一文章,叙述她大学生活经历大学意义这样写的。

    During her second year at college, Miss Keller wrote the story of her life and what college meant to her. This is what she wrote.


  • 大学二年级的星期编写个名叫“课程搭配”程序可以让用户根据其他学生的选课情况来给自己选课。

    In his first week as a sophomore, he built CourseMatch, a program that enabled users to figure out which classes to take based on the choices of other students.


  • 一家很受欢迎麦当劳里,到了刘思思(音译)旁边,她是清华大学新闻系年级学生,而这个学校称作中国麻省理工

    At a popular McDonald's I sat down with Sisi Liu a sophomore majoring in journalism at Tsinghua University a school often referred to as China's MIT.


  • 它开始1937,以身心健康大方融入社群哈佛大学二年级学生(全部男性)为研究对象追踪研究时间超过70年。

    Begun in 1937 as a study of healthy, well-adjusted Harvard sophomores (all male), it has followed its subjects for more than 70 years.


  • 哥伦比亚大学工程学院二年级学生索菲亚·黛拉,众多各种方式在校参与研究工作学生之一

    Sophia Stella is one of many students who participated somehow in undergraduate research at Columbia's School of Engineering.


  • 女儿路易斯现在大学二年级学生

    His daughter, Louise, is by now a college sophomore.


  • 研究哈尔滨师范大学阿城学院英语专业年级38学生进行了为期一年认知策略训练基础任务写作教学。

    This paper is on the basis of a training of metacognitive strategy in task-based writing for the 38 sophomores in the English Department, Acheng School of Harbin Normal University.


  • 研究48大学二年级学生被试,通过动实验探索英文快速阅读的阅读成绩人格关系

    The eye tracker was used to study the relationship between reading achievements and personality in English fast reading with 48 sophomore participants.


  • 本文介绍作者华中理工大学二年级工科学生函数思路方法

    In this paper, author's teaching ideas and methods of wave functions in HUST are introduced.


  • 然而非英语专业一二年级大学词汇学习依赖离不开语言教师指导

    However, as for college students of non-English majors, vocabulary learning still gets them very much puzzled and cannot be independent of teachers 'instructions.


  • 来自重庆大学年级三个英语专业自然103名学生参加了本实验。

    The subjects selected were 103 non-English majors of three natural occurring classes in grade two.


  • 研究对象为随机抽样选定大连水产学院年级英语专业大学生。

    The subjects were randomly chosen from the sophomores from different majors who studying English as their second language in Dalian Fisheries University.


  • 研究对象山东曲阜师范大学附属中小学初中年级的70 名学生高分低分35学生

    The participants are 70 students from Middle School Affiliated to Qufu Normal University. They are divided into two groups: high score group and low score group. Each group has 35 students.


  • 根据现有规模的样本测试结果工科院校里,年级的大学生在人际交往的能力上要差年级大学生。

    Based on the testing result on the present sample, the juniors are better than the sophomores in interpersonal competence.


  • 中南本部332名非英语专业的一、二年级学生10大学英语教师参加调查

    Besides, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative design, investigated 332 non-English major college students and 10 teachers in CSU through questionnaires.


  • 作为卡内基梅隆大学人机交互计算学院的博士二年级学生Zhu Haiyi主要惠普社会化计算研究实验室的主任BernardoHuberman一起工作

    A second-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University's Human Computing Interaction Institute, Zhu is working with Bernardo Huberman, director of HP's Social Computing Research Group.


  • 前人研究基础上笔者策划大学英语专业二年级326名文理科及艺术类学生词汇学习策略的实证研究

    On the basis of the previous studies, the author carried out an empirical investigation in which 326 non-English majors in Nanjing Normal University participated.


  • 马布里成为了我们第一个高中生日记作者AI作为乔治城大学二年级学生封面

    Marbury became our first high school diarist, and AI landed on the cover as a Georgetown sophomore.


  • 本次研究对象两组不同英语语言能力的厦门大学厦门华夏职业学院非英语专业年级学生

    The present research makes a comparative and quantitative approach on sentence features in compositions of college non-English major students in Xiamen University and Huaxia Vocational College.


  • 本次研究对象两组不同英语语言能力的厦门大学厦门华夏职业学院非英语专业年级学生

    The present research makes a comparative and quantitative approach on sentence features in compositions of college non-English major students in Xiamen University and Huaxia Vocational College.


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