The radiation comes from space (cosmic rays) as well as natural radioactive materials found in the soil, water and air.
Radon is a chemically inert, naturally occurring radioactive gas. It has no smell, colour or taste.
Nuclear energy is less polluting than gas from a climate-changing perspective, but it is costly and viewed skeptically in the United States because of the dangers of disposing of radioactive waste.
Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay.
The fallout contained heavy elements and isotopes not found in nature.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake. spring, well and tap water in Jiangsu Province.
There is close relationship between the radioactivity and the area's geology in environment.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake, reservoir, spring, well and tap water in Qirighai Province.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake, reservoir, spring, well and tap water in Beijing City.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake, reservoir, spring, well and tap water in Hubei Province.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake, reservoir, spring, well, offshore water and tap water in Yunnan Province.
This paper summarizes the quality assurance work of external exposure measurement for national survey of environmental natural radioactive level.
As a product from the uranium disintegration, radon is a natural radioactive idle gas.
The research result shows most natural gems contain so little radioactive minerals that they can' t he harmful to health.
The use of seeping Wells, seeping pits, natural crevices, limestone caves or other means of discharge forbidden by the State for liquid radioactive waste is prohibited.
The natural radioactive substance content was determined for fishes, in thermal spring water, farm products irrigated with such water and other biological samples.
This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river, lake, reservoir, spring, well and tap water in Hebei Province.
The methods of urban environment's natural radioactivity were investigated through abundances of experiments and field measurements.
This paper reports on the survey of natural radio nuclides in soil and rock conducted in Southeast Fujian.
Based on the natural radioactivity of potassium, the contents of potassium in solid potash fertilizer products were determined by radioactivity method.
Natural radioactivity in the marble is equal to the environmental level, radioactivity in the granite is much higher than that in marble.
The survey of natural radionuclide contents in soil in China(1983—1990)is a part of investigation of environmental natural radioactivity level on China.
The results show that there is a normal level of natural radioactivity of soil in the Xiazhuang granite uranium ore field.
A naturally radioactive carbon isotope with atomic mass 4 and half-life 5,780 years, used in determining the age of ancient organic, geologic, or archaeological specimens.
In the presence of naturally radioactive isotopes and fission product...
This paper reports absorbed dose rate in air for natural radiation and concentration radionuclides for food.
It should be pointed out, however, that the local review and registration rights are not applicable to the special types of minerals such as petroleum, natural gas and radioactive minerals.
It should be pointed out, however, that the local review and registration rights are not applicable to the special types of minerals such as petroleum, natural gas and radioactive minerals.