The oil which is found under the ground comes to the surface as crude oil. This means that the oil is in its natural state and has not been changed in any way.
This is because of the bamboo salt mineral and trace element still kept the original, natural state, so we experience after eating bamboo salt best reduction to the original.
Whether you liken yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, whether you think you are a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own reason.
They had two main demands — first: nationalisation of Bolivia's oils and gas reserves "so that we can keep the revenue ourselves to improve health, education and reduce poverty".
For all the problems it has brought, the most serious threat posed by Wyoming's gas boom is that it will end.
上面的译文便犯了定义过宽的错误。 试译:腐蚀是金属(如低碳钢)返回其天然状态(如氧化铁即铁锈)的电化学过程。
Corrosion is an electro-chemical process by which a metal such as mild steel ,returns to its natural state ,state ,such as iron oxide or rust.
Ideally find some windfalls, as these have natural yeasts already on them, meaning that apples are the only ingredient you'll need.
Wind and solar generation tend to be distributed because of the low density of the natural energy they collect.
Professor Dunn believes we should convince our bodies they are still in the natural state of our ancestors: roaming bug-infested forests and living in unsanitary hovels.
唯一永恒不变的是“不断变化着的变化、转变”;所有的事物天然地倾向于和谐。 大自然试图达到一个更稳定的状态,而不是互相恐吓、排挤。
(Sa’ke’j:) The only constant is change–constant change, transformations; everything naturally friendly, trying to reach a more stable state instead of bullying each other around.
We should eat foods as close as we can to how they're given to us by Mother Nature, not canned, baked, boiled and Fried until it's barely recognizable.
As the brain enters deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our 'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.
The central meaning Shared by these adjectives is. In a natural state and not yet processed for use.
Some metals are found in their native status, that is, uncombined with other elements.
It analyses the slope stability in the state of natural condition with the residual thrust method and new anti-slide pile optimization method.
The result of program operation shows the calculating result satisfies the requirements of natural gas flow state and measurement error analysis to the system.
Vegetation, which growth state is closely related to the depth of groundwater table, plays an important role in eco-environment in inland basin, northwestern China.
The mutual effects of the structure, initial anisotropy and complex stress path make it complicated and difficult to determine the progressive destructive strength and parameters of natural soils.
The bee venom extract can stimulate the generation of the natural skin collagen, making the skin firm, smooth and elastic with lasting moistness.
"It is the world's first offshore experiment producing gas from methane hydrate," the official said, adding that the team successfully collected methane gas extracted from the half-frozen substance.
The purposes of the tests are to determine, the consolidated condition of this layer in natural state, the in-situ shear strength and the variation of shear strength under loading and unloading.
借助适合于黄土高原降雨- 产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。
The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conservation.
The normal consolidation line, the critical state line and the strength envelope line are determined from the laboratory tests, and equations of these lines are given.
The normal consolidation line, the critical state line and the strength envelope line are determined from the laboratory tests, and equations of these lines are given.