• 太阳能光伏发电系统安装于公路上,用于保障道路交通安全

    The small solar system provides power for all kinds of traffic lights to ensure the safety of transport.


  • 论文太阳能光伏发电系统目前应用较广的太阳能照明系统应用进行了介绍。

    The paper will present the solar energy PV power generation system and the solar energy lighting system, and their applications in detail.


  • 本文介绍户用太阳能光伏发电系统(又称PV系统)计算流程供参考。

    This paper introduces a kind of calculation process of the solar energy light volt generating electricity system (called PV system), Providing to consult only.


  • 太阳能光伏发电系统太阳能空调室内地热室外监控装置智能门窗装置

    Solar photovoltaic power generation system, solar energy air conditioning, indoor geothermal, outdoor monitoring device, intelligent doors and Windows and other devices.


  • 能为客户设计策划安装性能稳定经济实用并网型和独立型太阳能光伏发电系统工程。

    And can design, plan, install of the practical, economic and stabile of synchronization network or independent network of solar photovoltaic-engineering systems for customers.


  • 能为客户设计策划安装性能稳定经济实用的并网型独立型太阳能光伏发电系统工程

    It can design, devise, install stabilize function and practical econometric combine nets and independent solar Vanquish electric power generation system project that for customers.


  • 避免了大量成本通常至少一倍价格给予模块添加太阳能光伏发电系统现有建筑物

    This also eliminates the significant cost-typically at least doubling the price of a given module-of adding solar photovoltaic systems to already existing buildings.


  • 此外我们提出自己方法思路解决个关键技术进一步完善提高太阳能光伏发电系统控制质量

    In addition, several novel approaches are proposed to solve the key techniques which will further improve and enhance the control quality of solar PV power generation systems.


  • LED调光灯泡专利:)5直流1224LED平面发光太阳能光伏发电系统首选光源

    LED light-bulbs (patent number:)5, DC 12 V and 24 V LED flat light-emitting lamp panel solar PV system is the preferred source.


  • 消耗自己利用太阳能光伏发电系统产生电,比公共电网,消耗大约同样数额电力我们能够节省400欧元

    We receive 400 euros for the electricity we feed into the grid from the photovoltaic panels and consume roughly the same amount of electricity ourselves.


  • 本文结合博鳌索菲酒店会议中心工程太阳能光伏发电系统设计实例大家提供了一种工程解决方案

    The article provides a solution of engineering by studying the design examples of solar power systems of both Sofitel Boao Hotel project and conference center project thereof.


  • 生态村公用楼道照明实际需要出发,采用模块组合方法研究设计了一太阳能光伏发电系统节能减排、公共照明免费供电作了有益的探索。

    The paper, starting from the actual needs for the public corridor lighting of an eco-village, researches and designs a solar photovoltaic generation system by modular combinations.


  • 不像聚光太阳能系统太阳能发电另外种方式光伏系统可以小规模的有效运作

    Unlike concentrating solar, the other strategy for generating solar electricity, PV systems can operate efficiently on a small scale.


  • 这些工作机会出现工程设计建设经营庞大太阳能系统风力发电,还有建造新的光伏产业。

    These jobs will be in engineering, constructing and operating huge solar systems and wind farms and manufacturing new photovoltaics.


  • 太阳能逆变器光伏风力发电系统核心部件

    Solar photovoltaic wind power inverter is the core of the system components.


  • 外部看,该被动式住宅其它住宅几乎没有什么区别——要不是光伏太阳能发电系统安装屋顶上。

    Externally, there is almost nothing to distinguish their passive house from the other buildings - except for the photovoltaic installation on the roof.


  • 建筑主要采用太阳能光伏发电系统产生生物质能

    Mainly fueled by biomass, it also derives its energy from a system of photovoltaic panels.


  • 最后分析光伏离网发电系统工况基础上,基于单片机进行太阳能充放电控制器设计

    Finally, based on analyzing the working states of stand-alone PV generating systems, the design of the solar charging and discharging controller based on microcontroller has conducted.


  • 首先太阳能光伏发电风力发电、燃料电池发电混合能源可再生能源发电系统进行了简述。

    In this paper, solar photovoltaic generation, wind generation, fuel cell generation and hybrid renewable energy generation systems have been reviewed briefly.


  • 这些项目包括三个太阳能建造光伏阵列固定固定35兆瓦25兆瓦5兆瓦的系统发电能力

    The projects include three solar photovoltaic arrays built with fixed, stationary panels, including systems capable of generating 35 MW, 25 MW and 5 MW;


  • 用型光伏发电系统通过光伏电池将太阳能转化为电能,一部分电通过逆变器将直流电变为交流电交流负载包括电视机电冰箱等)工作;

    The independent photolatic power generation transforms solar energy into electric through the solar panels. One part was transformed to the AC load, such as television, refrigerator and so on.


  • 利用西部地区、光资源,设计一风力发电机组太阳能光伏电池为一体风光互补发电系统

    In view of the wind and the solar energy resources are in abundance in western areas, the wind-solar hybrid power supply system was introduced, which consists of wind turbine and solar energy power.


  • 光伏并网发电系统研究成为太阳能发电系统研究的主流

    Grid-connected PV generation system has been mainstream in researching solar generation system.


  • 由于光伏电池组件串联数量受到太阳能电池板耐压绝缘要求的限制因此光伏发电系统一般采用DC/DC升压环节

    Pressure and insulation of solar panels will limit the number of photovoltaic modules in series, so DC/DC boosted link was used generally in photovoltaic power generation systems.


  • 实用新型公开了一种太阳能光伏系统跟踪机构主要应用太阳能发电中的跟踪系统上。

    The utility model discloses a tracking mechanism of a solar energy photovoltaic system, and mainly applies to a tracking system used in solar power generation.


  • 实用新型适用太阳能光伏电站太阳能光伏并网发电系统领域

    The utility model is applicable to solar photovoltaic generating plants, solar photovoltaic grid-combined generating systems and other fields.


  • 经营太阳能发电系统太阳能电池板光伏水泵、无直流水泵、无刷直流控制器为一体的高新科技企业。

    We mainly operate solar power systems, solar panels, pv pumps, brushless DC pumps, brushless DC controllers and other new energy products.


  • 太阳能光伏并网发电系统中,为了获得最大输出功率,并网电流外部环境变化而变化

    The amplitude of grid-connected current should change with external environment in order to obtain maximum output power of PV arrays.


  • 太阳能光伏并网发电系统中,为了获得最大输出功率,并网电流外部环境变化而变化

    The amplitude of grid-connected current should change with external environment in order to obtain maximum output power of PV arrays.


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