For dessert you will be offered apple pie, cheese cake, chocolate layer cake, ice cream and ice cream sundaes.
But a thick buffer of equity and convertible debt is the best way to make crisis-filled weekends less terrifying.
There was ice cream, actually two dishes of it, pink and white, and cake and fruit and distracting French bonbons and, in the middle of the table, four great bouquets of hot house flowers.
Try your favorite citrus to make the curd that you'll sandwich between the layers with whipped cream.
In Europe,typically,family and friends gather together on Christmas Eve,on Dec 24,for a big turkey dinner,completed with Christmas pudding(a rich cake with brandy source).
It's ideal to end the meal with a little delicate dessert, e. g, the Swiss hot chocolate cake sandwich with rich fillings and authentic taste is worth trying. Location: No.
It's ideal to end the meal with a little delicate dessert, e. g, the Swiss hot chocolate cake sandwich with rich fillings and authentic taste is worth trying. Location: No.