• 奇异分解同自然正交分解相结合,提出一种改进的正交奇异分解方法

    An improved SVD method was introduced by combining empirical orthogonal function (EOF) with singular value decomposition (SVD).


  • 利用奇异分解方法矩阵性质给出了使不确定广义系统稳定一个鲁棒

    A robust stability boundary of uncertain singular systems is proposed by utilizing singular value decomposition and the character of mode matrix.


  • 本文就经验正交展开奇异值分解方法卫星高度计海面资料分析中的应用作了初步探时。

    In this paper, also the primary applications of EOF and SVD in analyzing satellite altimeter data of sea surface wind and wave is studied.


  • 同时为了进一步降低存局部潜在语义分类存储空间开销采用离散分解方法替代奇异分解方法

    Meanwhile to reduce the cost of memory space, this paper takes the Semi-Discrete Decomposition Method rather than the Singular Value Decomposition.


  • 首先基于差分图像肤色信息检测出人脸,其次使用改进奇异值分解方法提取面部特征最后运用最小距离分类器进行识别。

    First based on the difference image and the skin color the face is detected and localized, then features are extracted by using improved SVD, last the features is classified by minimal distance.


  • 传统特征提取方法主要有分量分析奇异分解投影追踪自组织映射

    Classical feature extraction methods include: Principle Component Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition, Projection Pursuit, Self-Organizing Map, and so on.


  • 采用阻尼最小乘法奇异分解方法求解失调量

    By means of the damp least square method and singular value decomposition method, the misalignment of optical system could be calculated.


  • 精密机械动态过程离散化模型基础上,提出一种识别精密机械热动态特性参数的方法——奇异分解算法

    The discrete model of the thermal dynamics process of precision machine was used to establish a new method called singular value decomposition algorithm for identifying these characteristics.


  • 提出了基于小波变换改进奇异分解分辨雷达目标维距离像特征提取方法

    A feature extraction method of high-range-resolution radar profiles, which takes advantage of wavelet packet transform and modified SVD (singular value decomposition) was proposed.


  • 利用矩阵奇异分解和矩阵分块方法,得到了最小二乘一般表达式

    By using the method of matrix singular values decomposition, the general expressions of the least squares solutions are given.


  • 利用奇异分解技术确定了定量度量可控程度方法

    Using the singular value decomposition technique, the method for measuring the modal controllability is determined.


  • 然后奇异分解给出求解最小范数解的一种方法

    Then, a method is presented based on the singular value decomposition to compute the minimal norm solution.


  • 降低噪声影响,采用一个基于奇异分解(SVD)的方法对识别的结构进行处理

    In addition, a method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) was proceed to deal with the obtained result for dropping influence of noise.


  • 提出一种基于奇异分解数据融合脸像鉴别方法

    A face identification method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and data fusion is proposed in this paper.


  • 介绍了基于动态系统观测矩阵奇异分解状态变量可观测度的分析方法

    The method of analyzing the observable degree of the state variable has been introduced by means of the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the observable matrix of a dynamic system.


  • 鉴于,必须采用正则化方法本文选用截断奇异分解正则化参数l -曲线准则来确定

    In this thesis, we choose truncated singular value decomposition to solve the resulting matrix equations, while the regularization parameter of TSVD is determined by the L-curve criterion.


  • 使用谐波分析奇异值分解(SVD)方法分析比较太平洋热带太平洋区域海气资料及海气相互作用。

    Diagnostic analysis and contrast are performed in air-sea data and their interaction between the North Pacific and the Tropical Pacific by means of harmonic analysis and SVD.


  • 引入了平衡矩阵奇异分解SVD方法解释了其力学含义。

    The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method for the equilibrium matrix is developed and a physical explanation is given.


  • 基于奇异分解技术方法汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向轻便性试验数据进行消噪处理。通过仿真数据说明方法有效性

    Based on singular value decomposition technique, the denoising of signals obtained in vehicle handling and stability testing is carried out. The results show the effectiveness of the method.


  • 奇异分解(SVD)种对数据进行处理方法符号数据分析(SDA)是一种处理海量数据的全新数据分析思路

    Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a dimension reduction method, and Symbolic data Analysis (SDA) is a new analytical approach to processing mass data.


  • 本文以对观测数据矩阵直接进行奇异值分解基础提出了一种正弦检测方法

    A new method for sinusoidal detection is presented based on the SVD of the observation data matrix.


  • 地震波阻抗反演中,反演矩阵为接近奇异的大型矩阵,不能一般方法直接求解奇异分解(SVD)方法解方程

    In seismic inversion, the inverse matrix is mostly huge singular, the ordinary methods cannot be directly used to solve the equation, and the SVD technique must be used.


  • 然后人脸图像做奇异分解离散傅立叶变换,分别提取最佳鉴别变换特征,用近邻方法进行分类

    The optimal discriminant features of face are extracted using singular value decomposition and Fourier transform, and then they are classified by the nearest neighbor method. In...


  • 一类方法称为静态方法主要包括截断奇异分解(TSVD)方法截断完全最小乘(TTLS)方法

    The first class of regular method is named stationary method which include two methods, truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) method and truncated total least squares (TTLS) method.


  • 首先图像进行分块,分别提取每块图像直方图不变,组合起来作为数字水印,然后利用奇异值分解方法这些水印嵌入到原图像中。

    First we go on blocking to image an extract moment invariant of histogram from the blocking image and combine it as the digital watermarking.


  • 对应特征重建根据三角测量的方法计算其投影矩阵然后奇异分解求出特征点的三维齐次坐标

    Feature points' 3d coordinates are computed through singular value decomposition of projector matrix, then compute projector matrix by triangulation.


  • 方法首先地球物理地球化学等网格数据进行矩阵奇异值分解,之后特征向量矩阵与右特征向量矩阵的直构造一个正交完备

    The MSVD method constructs a self-contained orthogonal basis using the outer product of left and right eigenvector matrixes decomposed from 2D geochemical or geophysical maps.


  • 本文给出基于奇异值分解方法得到较为精确计算

    In this paper, the SVD method for MOM is given to bring the accurate result at the resonance frequency points.


  • 本文给出基于奇异值分解方法得到较为精确计算

    In this paper, the SVD method for MOM is given to bring the accurate result at the resonance frequency points.


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