More than 6,000 people follow the updates on the Connecticut Audubon Society's blog.
"There's no winner in that debate," Bob Sallinger, conservation director with the Audubon Society of Portland, told the Oregonian.
The American birding Association, National Audubon Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds are some of the most familiar and most well regarded birding organizations to join.
The first of the dishes presented was woodcock encased in sauce, and my mother-in-law - a devoted bird-watcher and member of the Audubon Society - lost her appetite.
But in fact, environmentally, all meat requires exponentially more resources to produce than eating grains and beans, as eloquently discussed in the Audubon Society's magazine a few months back.
But in fact, environmentally, all meat requires exponentially more resources to produce than eating grains and beans, as eloquently discussed in the Audubon Society's magazine a few months back.