核型分析结果显示,ZP - 1细胞为正常女性染色体结构。
Karyotype analysis showed that ZP-1 cells have a normal female chromosome structure.
For a few weeks, these chromosomes are all that differentiates male embryos from female embryos.
The reason why women are more robust appears to be microRNAs - short strands of RNA encoded on the chromosome, scientists believe.
Up to half the eggs of younger women, and up to 75% in women over 39, have abnormal chromosomes.
This leaves men at a disadvantage since they only have one X chromosome. Women have two, so that even when immunity genes are silenced on one the other can compensate.
Now some of these [disease genes] may be on the X chromosome, [meaning that women who have the second X chromosome with which to compensate, would have an advantage].
有一种罕见的疾病叫作“特纳氏综合症”(Turner ' s Syndrome)。患有这种疾病的女性,性别基因(XX)缺失了一条染色体x,所以也被称为XO女孩。
There is a rare condition known as Turner's Syndrome where a genetic female (XX) is missing one of the X chromosomes and she is known as an XO girl.
Women with the syndrome are missing one or part of their second X chromosome.
X chromosome mosaicism is not the only genetic difference between males and females.
Turner Syndrome usually results from a problem with the chromosomes and can leave women infertile and shorter than normal.
Objective To study the effect of maternal age on meiotic spindle and chromosome configuration of oocytes.
This is used to analyse the chromosomal composition of the female.
Female mosaicism of the X chromosome has major implications for human health and disease and is the leading cause of female protection from X-linked genetic disorders.
This report describes a female ease who is complete deletion of secondary constriction on two chromosomes 9. The major clinical phenomenon is severe mental retardation.
To assess the clonal origin of renal clear cell carcinomas by the study of X-chromosome inactivation pattern in female clear cell renal carcinomas and normal renal tissues.
Methods Chromosomes X, 18 were detected by the primed in situ labeling (PRINS) in eight samples of female peripheral blood cultures.
Conclusion: Most individuals with chromosome karyotype 45, XO can differentiate to female, but a few can differentiate to male.
Women do not have a Y chromosome, so they cannot be tested in the same way, although millions are likely also to be descended from the warlord.
But it tests fewer than half of the chromosomes in an embryo, so it's not a perfect indicator of overall embryo health and it hasn't been all that useful for most women.
Also, females have two "X chromosomes." males have one "X" and one "Y" chromosome.
Men also possess a female X chromosome that holds clues about the female ancestral line and could tell whether the first Viking invaders brought their families with them or came alone.
Men also possess a female X chromosome that holds clues about the female ancestral line and could tell whether the first Viking invaders brought their families with them or came alone.