The field causes particles in the fluid, like paraffin and asphalt particles in crude oil, or cocoa and milk solids in chocolate, to act like tiny bar magnets, and line up into chains.
Analysts say Fonterra will struggle to meet its promised 2008-2009 payout of NZ$7 per kilogram of milk solids, down from NZ$7.90 in 2007-2008.
Other researchers from South Carolina noticed that there were no changes in milk production or dry matter intake when white grease was added to low or high fiber diets.
It increased the loss in body weight and aggravated the negative energy balance, while the cow fed with low energy diet during the dry period increased 6% of the DMI and 6% of MY.
Blood and milk samples were collected, and dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production were recorded.
The result is when we use IBDU-1 replacement of bean grains at 18% level, the milk yield, milk fat, albumen, lactose has markedly increased.
The results showed as follows: 1) milk yield, dry matter intake and feed to milk ratio in different groups had no significant differences (P>0.05).
The results showed as follows: 1) milk yield, dry matter intake and feed to milk ratio in different groups had no significant differences (P>0.05).