She was given a pair of running legs and she started her new life.
Dean's family had boarded the Titanic at Southampton, heading for a new life in Kansas where her father hoped to open a tobacconist shop.
By then, she had movedto Boca Raton, Fla., where she hoped it would be easier to begin a new life.
She decided to turn over a new leaf after her mother's death.
She had a 780 credit score, no delinquencies, and wrote a lovely description of how she plans to start a new life as a nurse practitioner.
Selena Gomez, a famous and popular singer and actress in America started her new life recently.
There was only one possible solution, she had decided: to move out, move into town and establish a new life.
Alone later, he sees Fei standing, watching him - he talks to her, saying everything he has learnt about China, himself, and his everlasting love for her, and his hope for a new life in this country.
The next morning Sara's new life began. She learnt to clean floors and to make fires. She ran upstairs and downstairs, and she worked in the kitchen.
The story takes in"Kamome Gakuen"in Japan, a rehabilitation school for at-risk children or those who have problems at home.
They consider that a new life will start as the sun starts her new life.
It was not long before Jane began her new life in another city.
But she did not despair, she did not choose to give up, in the joint efforts of her family, she began to like a normal person to start their new lives better.
Newly freed from an engagement to a chilly Brahmin type, Cate begins her life anew with the arrival of a near-perfect fellow (Gallagher) who adores her but is in an uphill fight for survival.
Newly freed from an engagement to a chilly Brahmin type, Cate begins her life anew with the arrival of a near-perfect fellow (Gallagher) who adores her but is in an uphill fight for survival.