She, along with a billion other people, understands poverty as we never will.
She knew I'd understand, as I had wrestled with such issues since my teens and at least we were blessed in having time to address the important matters, including her sons' future.
我永远记得我从荷兰娶到了一个美丽的新娘,我们结婚有40年了,养育了一个孩子,她真是为美丽的女性(跟上一任妻子离了? 这块理解的可能不够准确~)。
I will always have a reminder, as I married a wonderful woman from Holland whom I have been married to for 40 years, who gave us a child who has become a beautiful woman.
She understood some of my challenges because she had a perspective for it, but we weren't peers.
She confessed that the "Conviviality" segment on our itinerary was a mystery to counselors and participants alike.
But instead of beginning with a general statement about civil wars, she gives us the ideas we need to know in order to understand all the parts of her argument.
She teaches us how to write in simple, clear and correct English, and to make ourselves understood to English speaking people.
She seems very much to follow the idea put forth by Jung that “[E]verything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
She explains the languages so carefully that we can understand the passages better.
With a child like Marissa, we can't sit down and discuss it with her — she's just not going to get that.
Monica usually tried her best to make us understand her lectures.
If you have to give him (her) are compensated in place, our leaders sit down and talk about farmers, but also a good opportunity to preach the policy, make it clear the peasants will understand.
We're always keeping a mutual understanding. She and I have a perfectly communication all the time.
Though we appreciated her very much, we didn't understand the hint enough yet.
Easier said than done, of course. Her point is that we are shackled to authority figures by forces that we barely understand.
As kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her.
She discusses the implications of this cultural phenomenon in light of the concepts of performativity and la parole that deepens our appreciation of the communicative praxis of ethnography.
Was she able to understand all the things that we said to her when we sent these audios to her?
We have learned that to be effective, an engagement manager must understand the needs and abilities of all concerned. He or she should have a background that is equal parts business and IT.
She began to attempt to understand what we said and burble to us.
We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.
I understood Diu Diu completely, she knew we were also then end of our limitation, I wanted to shout to her to put aside the backpack to run by herself, but it was so far, I knew she could no heard.
Her point is that we are shackled to authority figures by forces that we barely understand.
Her point is that we are shackled to authority figures by forces that we barely understand.