Daid asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits.
So it's not just her eating habits, but also her ability to cope with and manage stress that will help O'Toole keep the "freshman five" at bay.
She obviously has a lot of problems, and her eating disorder could be the way she tries to maintain some control over her life.
This week, I spoke with Ms. Waters about her interest in the eating habits of American children.
And absolutely no dog jokes, lest she cast aspersions on Chinese eating habits.
She and her colleagues were also able to ascertain a bit about the bear's eating habits.
Help establish healthy-eating habits. Offer healthy meals and snacks, but be careful to let your daughter make choices about the food she eats.
Those children who ate fast food were more likely to also consume soft drinks. Children from lower income households were more likely to have unhealthy dietary habits and be overweight or obese.
Everyone has his or her habits. such as studying habits, sleeping habits and eating habits. some are good, but some are bad habits.
Delinsky has studied the eating habits of freshmen women, and she finds that they don't all gain weight.
But her healthful habits have been known to come up against her strong sweet tooth — especially in the middle of the night.
Right now, it's best not to talk about food, her weight or her eating habits. Tell her you care about her, value her friendship, think she's a wonderful person and will always be there for her.
It is believed that Heidi's crossed eyes could have come from a poor diet when she was young, causing large fat deposits to form behind her eyes.
The balanced diet comes courtesy of a lifetime of healthy eating habits, instilled by Michelle's mom.
As well as "experiencing" the band being fitted and tightened so she feels full, she visualises her ideal body and they discuss eating habits.
Michelle lost the last of the 30 pounds months ago, but she occasionally resumes her weekday/weekend routine whenever she finds she's put on a few pounds.
Michelle lost the last of the 30 pounds months ago, but she occasionally resumes her weekday/weekend routine whenever she finds she's put on a few pounds.