• 好不好我无关。

    Lay off me will you—it's nothing to do with me.


  • 管子一头堵上好不好

    Stop up the other end of the tube, will you?


  • 你去看看孩子们在干什么好不好

    Go and see what the kids are doing, will you?


  • 下个周末不能上班咱俩调个班好不好

    I can't work next weekendwill you switch with me?


  • 我们出去周末,不好

    Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?


  • 什么名字,再说一遍好不好

    What was the name again?


  • 先走服务员结账好不好

    Can I leave you to square up with the waiter?


  • 别这样好不好比你到。

    Do you mind? I was here before you.


  • 我们一点好不好岔气

    Can we slow down? I've got a stitch.


  • 阁下设法关掉电视机好不好

    Can his lordship manage to switch off the TV?


  • 汽车发动起来。一下好不好

    The car won't start. Can you give it a push?


  • 告诉下一步什么好不好

    Can someone remind me what I should do next?


  • 别锁门好不好进来。

    Can you leave the door on the latch so I can get in?


  • 玩具起来好不好

    Will you pick up all your toys?


  • 寄去,好不好

    Shall I send you the book?


  • 请你桌上那些玩意儿全都拿走好不好

    Could you move all that stuff off the table?


  • 我们不好

    Let's look at it again, shall we?


  • 土豆好不好

    Will you peel the potatoes for me?


  • 咱俩交换一下座位好不好不见银幕

    Can we swap places ? I can't see the screen.


  • 迈克闭嘴好不好

    Will you tell Mike to shut up?


  • 我们采黑莓好不好

    Shall we go blackberrying ?


  • 一点好不好

    Please could you speak more slowly?


  • 把那讨厌的东西关掉,专心讲话好不好

    Why don't you switch the darn thing off and listen to me!


  • 不知道汤姆昨天野餐玩得好不好

    I wonder if Tom had a good time having a picnic yesterday.


  • 蟾蜍安静一会儿好不好。”女孩

    "Do be quiet a minute, Toad," said the girl.


  • 我们不好

    Let's water the flowers, shall we?


  • 贝基说话好不好

    Becky, won't you say something?


  • 安静,好不好

    Be quiet, would you?


  • 不过,请告诉吗,还有优秀莫尔好不好

    First tell me how you are yourself, and the excellent Mole?


  • 吧,我们就让这个的小婴儿回家去找妈妈吧,好不好哈克

    Well, we'll let the crybaby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck?


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定