Coming soon is "Camp Rock" a Disney Channel film starring the Jonas Brothers, a wholesome boy-band which has already sold over a million CDs for Hollywood Records, Disney's recorded-music label.
For the last decade, Hollywood and big music have spent time not innovating, but trying to get the U.S. Congress to help them tame the Internet.
最近我去了好莱坞的Amoeba Music唱片行只是为了看人在翻阅一大堆专辑。
Lately I go to Amoeba Music in Hollywood just to watch people flip through albums.
Music companies use data much more shrewdly than, say, Hollywood studios, which still fling huge sums of money at broadcast television in the hope of driving people to cinemas.
Home to Hollywood, Los Angeles leads the world in the creation of films, television productions, video games, and recorded music.
Hollywood, like the record industry, is all about distribution, and now there is a distribution mechanism that rivals booth: the Internet.
Early Chinese films, take singing films as its example, had been built under the circumstance where Hollywood films holding the market. So it firstly is a kind of unprompted commercial rival-ship.
Early Chinese films, take singing films as its example, had been built under the circumstance where Hollywood films holding the market. So it firstly is a kind of unprompted commercial rival-ship.