If all run without a hitch, we can make a deal and sign the contract.
You can get extravagent on subsequent dates if things go well.
These will be able to fly cargo to the International Space station-and, if all goes well in the future, people.
The plant is scheduled to be switched on in 2018 - assuming everything goes right.
And if all goes well, you get to share that sense of elevation with your readers (your audience).
If all goes well, we hope to arrange a game night with the entire community.
The LHC should, though, if all goes according to plan, show up one very well known unknown by creating tiny black holes.
Europe, inclusive of the British Isles, may become united in a trade agreement if all goes well.
If all goes well, researchers believe they may be able to start offering the technique as a treatment in three to five years.
The new drill is much more powerful, capable of cutting through up to 30m of rock a day.
The hard work was getting to this position but I think if it all goes well and I sign, the real work starts after that.
If all is well, then in the top window of Figure 1, you will have seen a series of messages, and in the large window, you will see a listing of the files will appear.
If all goes well, Frankenstein will not be the best metaphor for synthetic biologists; they may be more like Pandora opening her box -but releasing the hope without the woe.
If all goes well, Frankenstein will not be the best metaphor for synthetic biologists; they may be more like Pandora opening her box - but releasing the hope without the woe.
如果一切进展顺利,一家由债权人所有的新公司将会成立,并将于明年年初营业。 这家新公司将会为CIT消除100亿美元的债务。
If all goes well, a new, creditor-owned company, shorn of $10 billion of debt, could be up and running by the beginning of next year.
As things were going smoothly and we were growing and advancing I would feel happy, but when bumps came or something happened that I did not plan for I found myself frustrated and lost.
If all goes according to plan, an internship will end with an offer of a job that pays $24,000 a year and will consist entirely of the same tasks they were recently doing for free.
如果一切进展顺利,您将看到一条消息“aJDBCconnection to the target hassucceeded”,表示您已经连接到mblog数据库。
If all goes well, you should get a message like "a JDBC connection to the target has succeeded," indicating that you are connected to the mblog database.
By 2012, if it stays on track, Mexico will have reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 50 million tons, equal to the carbon produced by 45 days of domestic oil production.
But the main thing is if everything goes well with the contract negotiations, every time I play and get the chance, I want to show what I can do.
But the main thing is if everything goes well with the contract negotiations, every time I play and get the chance, I want to show what I can do.