对于字符串数据类型,DB 2需要通过它来知道这个链可以增长到多长。
It is needed for string data types so DB2 knows how long the chain can grow.
RDF literals can be given data types such as "integer", "string", "date", or even "morse code".
As you can see, these documents can store various data types include strings, integers, floats, dates, objects, arrays and more.
To model more complex designs, you can type tags by stereotypes and meta-classes, in addition to Boolean, string, integer, user-defined data type, and terms.
If you need another data type such as integer, floating point, or Boolean value, you will have to parse the string using the appropriate wrapper class.
The string value retrieved from the item set also needs to be transformed into the correct data type.
Both the payload and expected outcome may be simple integers or strings, or can reference further XML files containing serialised data types.
When using APIs to get and set the value of an item, only a string can be used as the data type.
If this happens, try to reorder your conditions in your expression, grouping items of similar data types (Numbers, strings, dates, etc.) together.
However, it is superior to hidden inputs and QueryStrings, since it can accept more data types and the content has been encoded into a single string and therefore is not easy to tamper with.
If a mask string can do what you need for a set of localized data types, retrieving the mask strings from ResourceBundles is a great use of this technique.
表示定义(Representational definition)主要定义在IT系统中如何表示每个术语,比如整数、字符串或日期格式(参考数据类型)。
Representational definitions focus on how each term is represented in an IT system such as an integer, string or date format (see data type).
如果该值不是一个简单数据类型(例如,字符串、整数或其他),则应该指定一个能将该值序列化为适当的XML结构的WS .Binder。
If the value is not a simple data type (such as string, integer, and so on) then a WS.Binder should be specified that is capable of serializing the value into the appropriate XML structure.
Unfortunately, JAXB failed to pick up on this and use a Boolean data type — instead, the TopType class accepts any string value for this attribute.
String formatting is a powerful technique for creating a string composed of different data types in a nicely formatted layout.
返回类型可以是4 种XPath 1.0基本数据类型之一:boolean、字符串、节点集和数字。
The return type can be any one of the four basic XPath 1.0 data types: boolean, string, node set, and number.
SOAP defines simple data types: String, Int, Float, and NegativeInteger.
简单数据类型Data ,比如字符串,Boolean,整数,日期等等
Data for simple data types, such as sttring, Boolean, integer, date, and so on
JSON data supports various data types besides objects: strings, null values, Numbers (integer or real), Boolean values, and arrays (comma-separated sequences of values enclosed in square brackets).
联合数组(associative array)是另外一种数据类型,它可以表示为一个字符串。
The associative array is another data type that can be represented as a literal.
Sorting strings that are also valid Numbers, where no data-type is specified for XSL: sort.
The simple elements and are modeled as primitive (string) properties of the name SDO.
Types can be primitives, such as string (SDO calls these "data types" and defines a set mapped to PHP types), or complex types to represent an order or address (SDO calls these data object types).
The reason I want to point this out to you is, if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.
A data type variable is a business object or a simple type such as string or integer.
When you want to create an atomic value of one of the time-oriented data types, use a type-constructor function and provide the string representation as an argument.