Simple types include string, float, integer, enumeration, etc.
MySQL数据库支持DB 2数据库产品不直接支持的ENUM字符串枚举数据类型。
The MySQL database supports enum string enumerated data types which the DB2 database product does not directly support.
PostalAddress元素的type属性实际上是枚举类型,它允许选择4 个字符串之一。
The type attribute of the PostalAddress element is actually an enumerated type, allowing a choice of one of four strings.
OWL lets you specify the type of these properties, so hostname would be string, whilst operating system might be an enumeration with specific options specified.
Also, an enumerated type is supplied via its Class object, along with the type of the Map's values (in this case, simple strings). The output of this method is shown in Listing 11.
Your constants can be integer, character, floating-point, string, Boolean, octet or enumerated but not of type any or a user-defined type. Here are some examples.
For properties of type string, an optional Enum definition has been added. Property values will be validated against the Enum.
For properties of type string, an optional Enum definition has been added. Property values will be validated against the Enum.