• 由此引发我们生命存在意义认真反省理性审思

    Existentialist points of view cause us to reflect and rationally examine existence and its meanings.


  • 应当对象进行提炼直到对象的意义或者交互中支持对象的作用无关的东西都存在为止。

    An object should be distilled until nothing remains that does not relate to its meaning or support its role in interactions.


  • 放置的位置合适、排序具有一定意义词之间相互帮助,那么首诗就具有意义、可存在脑海长久不息。

    Properly placed, in a significant sequence, one word helps another, and the whole, making sense, remains and is easily and lastingly fixed in the memory.


  • 入口之前充满魅力装饰形成符号意义存在延续,五色门帘一个意味深长的朱红色的布告。

    The entrance was made to be the symbolic existence of expectation for the previous state with a fascination decorated with a five-colored curtain and a profound vermilion-lacquered signboard.


  • 这种人类心理存在错位非常有趣,同时意义非凡。它们进化心理学研究理论模型的焦点

    These mismatches are interesting and important, and they are the focus of much research and theorizing in evolutionary psychology.


  • 那个时刻,你们幸福有什么意义贫乏污秽可怜的自满可是我的幸福正应当证明存在本身的正当性!

    The hour when ye say: "What good is my happiness! It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. But my happiness should justify existence itself!"


  • decorator可能会返回一个函数这个函数修饰的函数之间不存在意义关联

    A decorator might return a function, but one that is not meaningfully associated with the undecorated function.


  • 由于汉民族文化西方文化各个方面存在差异使得汉英词语文化内涵意义没有完全、决定的对应。

    The difference exist in many ways which leads to the different cultural connotative meaning between Chinese and English words.


  • 研究结果显示三个因素NASH相关性肝硬化细胞癌发生存在统计学意义

    Results indicate three factors that are statistically significant in the development of HCC within the NASH-cirrhosis group.


  • 海德格尔认为西方形而上学从根本上遗忘了存在存在意义问题,忽视存在存在区别

    Heidegger thought the western metaphysics forgets being and the meaning of being essentially and neglects the difference between being and the being.


  • 时间作为生命意义载体,是必须事件或是印象一同存在

    Time, as the carrier of the significance of life, must exist together with either incident or impression.


  • 在作为一种特定的文化形态面对意识存在关系问题,关注价值意义等三个方面发挥其应有的作用。

    It will be a specific cultural formation, yet face the relationship of consciousness and existence, and follow with interest the man's value and significance.


  • 意义理论现实存在脱节。

    In this sense, the existing theory was out of touch with reality.


  • 部分,主要本文存在一些不足进行了总结,并从“应当”的关系出发,进一步明确本文的意义所在

    Final speech: summarizes the shortcomings of this paper, and reveal the significant of the paper from the relation between "is" and "should".


  • 因此,本课题设计基于GPRS无线安全报警系统存在较大发展前景应用意义

    Therefore, the subject of GPRS-based wireless security alarm system, there is greater prospects for the development and application of significance.


  • 很多时候我们总是不同程度被人贬低,我们越是感到被贬低,越是花费更多精力捍卫重塑我们存在价值意义,事实上,我们反而越是乏力,能够创造新价值、意义的精力少,有心无力。

    The more we feel devaluedand we all do at various times, to varying degrees — the more energy we spend defending and restoring our value, and the less energy we have available to create value.


  • 概念意义存在概念概念之间的关系

    The meaning of a concept lies in its relationships to other concepts.


  • 论文一部分阐明了项目研究概述分析了项目研究背景目标意义现状存在问题

    The first part of the thesis discusses the overview of the project, analyzed its background, object, meaning, present situation and existent problems.


  • 中国古代文论西方现代文论语言意义观念上存在着相似之处有明显的不同。

    There are difference and obvious similarity between Chinese ancient literature theories and Western modern ones on the Sense of Language and Significance.


  • 文化史意义而言,秦简九九表《周易》存在一定比附关系。

    In terms of the significance of cultural history, this table has some attachment to Zhou Yi (the Book of Change).


  • 任何事物都“纯”“不纯”统一体,“纯”“不纯”存在价值意义一定条件下相互转化

    As everything is the unity of pureness and impureness, both have their value as well as significance, and they can transform into each other under certain conditions.


  • 自然界社会生活存在多种性质迥异的幂分布现象因而它们的研究具有广泛深远的意义

    Various phenomena governed by power law distributions are common in nature and in society, thus their study has broad and far_reaching significance.


  • 现代存在主义哲学思想内涵《当代英雄追问存在价值意义方面具有某种内在对话关系

    The philosophical connotation of modern existentialism bears some intrinsic relationship of dialogue with a Hero of Our Own Times in pursuing the value and significance of existence.


  • 请求权的合理性根本上决定权利实现保护现实诉求,存在具有重要意义

    The claim was established by virtue of the necessity of right realization and protection, and it is of great significance in practice.


  • 哲学反思思维存在关系中思考人类社会价值意义的思维方式

    Philosophical reflection is a way of thinking - from the perspective of the relationship between thinking and being - about the value and meaning of the human society.


  • 发现可能有助于解释治疗性药物存在效力副作用个体差异因而个体化医疗也将有(指导)意义

    These findings may help to explain individual differences in the effectiveness and side-effect profiles of therapeutic drugs and thus have implications for personalized medicine.


  • 学校作为社会微观结构客观存在具有社会场域对应的权力支配运作再造的意义建构

    The school, existing impersonally as the microstructure of the social field, has its own authority domination, function and reconstitution corresponding to the social field.


  • 幸福追求生存状态存在方式现代意义上的幸福就是一种生活得更好能力

    Happiness, a state of being and a way of living people pursue, is just a kind of ability to live better in the modern times.


  • 幸福追求生存状态存在方式现代意义上的幸福就是一种生活得更好能力

    Happiness, a state of being and a way of living people pursue, is just a kind of ability to live better in the modern times.


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