He has been an early exponent of other imported ideas: last year he was the front man for the Russian version of the reality television show, “The Apprentice”.
There is a scene in a recent episode of the Apprentice UK (one of just a handful of TV shows I watch, by the way) that clearly describes this principle.
He says he may signal his announcement in the live finale of his reality-TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice", which AIRS on May 22nd.
在电视真人秀《学徒》的片头,太阳在伦敦升起,空中的摄影机镜头向第一加拿大广场拉近,接着又切向坐在私人直升机中的艾伦•休格爵士(Sir AlanSugar),他看上去总是一副在生气的模样,然后镜头扫过伦敦的天际线。
As the sun rose over London, the camera loomed above One Canada Square before cutting to an angry-looking Sir Alan Sugar in his corporate chopper, skimming across the capital's skyline.
在电视真人秀《学徒》的片头,太阳在伦敦升起,空中的摄影机镜头向第一加拿大广场拉近,接着又切向坐在私人直升机中的艾伦•休格爵士(Sir AlanSugar),他看上去总是一副在生气的模样,然后镜头扫过伦敦的天际线。
As the sun rose over London, the camera loomed above One Canada Square before cutting to an angry-looking Sir Alan Sugar in his corporate chopper, skimming across the capital's skyline.