• 大型机多年来一个关键特征硬件软件级别具有可靠安全

    A key attribute of the mainframe over the years has been its rock-solid security at the hardware and software level.


  • 曲轴发动机关键零件之一制造质量直接影响着发动机性能水平安全可靠

    The crankshaft is one of essential components in the engine, its manufacture quality is affecting the engine performance level and the security reliability directly.


  • 工厂人员设备可靠安全工厂的关键问题该合同的签订发挥重要作用

    The safety of personnel and equipment reliability are key issues for this plant, and played a significant role in the awarding of this contract.


  • 可靠软件特别是安全攸关软件,关键操作往往使用概率非常

    In highly reliable software, especial safety-critical software, the critical operation's use probability is very small.


  • 作为对策,美国启动诸如委托铸造项目等计划,以确保制造关键微型芯片所用设备国内而且是安全可靠的。

    In response, America has launched schemes such as the Trusted Foundry Programme, which certifies "secure, domestic" facilities for the manufacture of the most critical microchips.


  • 电力参数监测电力系统基本计算之一,对指导电力系统安全经济可靠运行关键作用

    The measurement of power parameters is one of the most basic calculation in power systems and plays a key role on running power systems in security, economy and reliability.


  • 设备缺陷管理电力生产管理中的一个关键环节直接影响整个电网安全可靠

    Device flaw management is a key part in power production management, which influences the security and reliability of the power network directly.


  • 锚碇基础悬索桥关键受力部位它的总体稳定性受力状态直接影响大桥安全长期使用可靠

    Anchorage foundation is the key position of a suspension bridge, whose overall stability and bearing state directly influence the safety and long-term reliability of the bridge.


  • 指出配置安全可靠微电脑电气控制装置掌握工作过程操作方法推广应用燃料汽车技术关键

    The key to spreading the dual fuel auto is to use safe and reliable computer electrical control device and to grasp its working process and operation ways.


  • 石油企业安全生产过程可靠保证安全生产关键机械设备原材料质量可靠性是安全生产的基础

    In safe production of oil enterprises, human reliability is the key to safe production while quality reliability of machinery equipment and raw materials is the basis of safe production.


  • 采用智能工控技术安全可靠、智能高效操作便捷关键环节突出特点

    Using intelligent control technology, in a safe and secure, intelligent efficient, convenient operation on such key links with outstanding features.


  • 数字电视播出系统可靠直接反映整个系统质量优劣,是确保能否进行安全可靠的电视播出的关键

    The reliability of digital television broadcast system can directly reflect the quality of the system and is very critical for the proper function of the system.


  • 飞行器普遍存在机构可靠问题,一些关键机构是否可靠关系到飞行器安全

    The mechanism reliability problems of aerocraft are common concern, and the reliability of some special mechanisms is critical for the safety of aerocraft.


  • 高压动力线路关键部件准确选择电动汽车安全可靠整车寿命以及成本及其重要的意义。

    It is very important to select correctly the essential parts of high voltage power supply circuit for electric vehicle on safety, reliability, complete vehicle life and cost.


  • 地铁直流供电保护控制系统确保地铁的安全可靠运行关键作用

    The protection and control system in subway DC power supply systems play a key role in ensuring the safety and reliability of the subway.


  • 水反应堆核电厂蒸汽发生器关键安全问题就是液位仪表检测控制问题,因此可靠安全性就是极重要的因素。

    The key safety problem of a steam generation of PWR nuclear power plant is its instrumentation and control of water level, thus the reliability and safety is most important.


  • 可靠大坝安全监测自动化系统成败关键关系能否大坝安全提供有效数据

    Reliability is the key of main dam safety monitoring automation system, it concerned whether providing valid data for dam safety.


  • 实验室致力于研究海洋结构安全可靠性等相关工程问题力学机理提供关键力学分析技术支持

    The laboratory is dedicated to the mechanism of the security and reliability of ocean structures, along with providing crucial mechanical analysis and technical support.


  • 开展技术攻关解决安全关键问题使铁路安全建立可靠的物质基础上

    To solve the key safety questions, the technical tackle should be developed to establish a reliable base for the railway safety.


  • 变频器保护环节保证安全可靠运行关键之一

    The protective link of the frequency converter is one of the key links which guarantee its safe and reliable performance.


  • 性能关键实时系统那些功能属性要求较高的嵌入式系统,可靠性、可用性、实时性、响应性、吞吐量安全性。

    In recent years, as the improvement of the hardware's compute capability, the scale and complexity of performance-critical real-time systems increased dramatically.


  • 软件可靠问题对于安全关键软件而言具有极端重要性

    The reliability problem is extremely important for safety critical software.


  • 如果这样做则公开可见安全关键类型成员视为是安全可靠关键的,并且可以程序集外部部分信任代码调用

    If you do not, publicly visible security-critical types and members are treated as security-safe-critical and can be called by partially trusted code outside the assembly.


  • 因此火灾发生时,紧急启动安全可靠消防灭火控制系统成为减少损失关键所在

    This brings about severe lost of people and asset. So, starting a safe, reliable fire control system is critical to decrease the lost.


  • 模拟器用于航天器飞控任务演练确保飞控任务安全可靠起着关键作用

    Flight control simulator is used in spacecraft flight control drilling, which ACTS on the reliability and security of flight control.


  • 通过提高关键模块安全可靠,来提高整个系统安全性和可靠性,提高测试的性价比。

    By improving security and reliability of the key section, the security and reliability of the system will be promoted so as to improve the efficiency of testing.


  • 对于安全可靠关键类型成员访问的受保护资源类型成员必须确认调用方拥有访问这些资源的权限

    Security-safe-critical types and members must also confirm that callers have permissions for protected resources that are accessed by the type or member.


  • 安全通信主要挑战之一认证而其关键组播通信提供可靠安全机制

    One of the main challenges of securing multicast communication is source authentication. It is therefore critical to provide sound security mechanisms for multicast communication.


  • 机队航空公司运输能力关键,机队可靠是航空公司安全保障的重要环节之一

    Fleet is vital to keep the capability of airline transportation. Fleet reliability is an important part of safety control of airline.


  • 机队航空公司运输能力关键,机队可靠是航空公司安全保障的重要环节之一

    Fleet is vital to keep the capability of airline transportation. Fleet reliability is an important part of safety control of airline.


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