If you want to create your own customized user interface then you can program using visual objects.
You built an iOS application with a custom user interface that sends and retrieves data from the server.
The adaptive menu is well intended, and we certainly applaud the attempt to customize a user interface based upon usage behavior.
The article discussed how to customize user-interface elements (such as the welcome, login, and redirection pages), and how to add actions to the action bar.
Common J2EE Artifacts introduce how to isolate and customize the resources of user interfaces and business logic via an implicit filter-based mechanism among tenants.
The user interface screen for truck customization is still not fully finished, but you can already see the wealth of options and flexibility that we have in mind.
Additionally, customized user interface widgets were created to improve the interactive nature of Plants by WebSphere while not rewriting it.
The customized user interface widgets are asynchronous, meaning they communicate using the browser's XHR mechanism supported by the Dojo Toolkit.
This leaves a very simple and lightweight design, which is, unfortunately, lacking the fundamental ability to customize the behavior of the user interface and respond to user input.
Although the optimal user path is a straight line from search and results to customization and purchase, the interface offers several detours from this route.
Image creation - This interface allow users to create customized environments.
Peppered throughout this article are examples of how individual users can customize their interface, content, layouts, tools, and lists.
AIR enabled the company to create a customized user interface, without constraints imposed by the browser's design and controls.
In its earliest versions, customization was limited mostly to changes in the user interface — replacing graphics or hiding program elements.
But a user interface almost always requires some customization, even when you use the most sophisticated generators.
User interface customizations make it easy to copy headers from other messages and reorganize header order.
Sometimes more customization to the graphical user interface (GUI) display is wanted, and the available Settings in the existing widgets are not sufficient.
Thanks to its drag-and-drop interface, users can easily customize the new artist homepages to their own liking.
It focused on the development of customized user interface for the BPEL human task which is often required in most business processes.
The asset catalog is an interface you use to view and manage the details of public and private images (permissions, system files, user guides, customizations, and general content).
Among the main focuses, user-interface work emerged as a primary use-case for the usage of custom XML markup inline in an SVG document.
In this tutorial segment we'll look at a few ways you can customize controls, and then close out by polishing up the user interface of our Digg application using these techniques.
And the best part is that all of this selection and customization is done via the web user interface, which makes building templates fast and easy.
This is an important hook into the framework that lets you define the user interface for any input parameters used to create and customize an instance of your feed.
It provides extensive support for creating new record types, and customization of workflows, user interfaces, and notifications. You decision depends on your situation.
Eclipse provides extensions to define a custom user interface for the Properties view.
AIX 管理员需要关心的惟一问题是,用户界面外观和感觉的可定制性。
The only thing they need to worry about is the actual customization of the look and feel for the user interface.
You've already seen how to use the Feed component to stay abreast of another blog when you're customizing the team place user interface.