This paper discusses the validation of definitive analysis methods for foods, including precision, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, limit of quantition. linearity and range, ruggedness, etc.
在ARUP的质谱实验室中,我们的任务就是获得尽可能低的定量分析的 检出限,这样我们才能为临床研究提供更好的结果。
Our mission in the mass spectrometry lab of ARUP is to push the limits of quantitation as low as we can, so we can deliver better results for clinical research.
The method had the advantages such as high sensitivity, high precision, easy to operate and low detection limit, which was suitable for quantitative measurement of arsenic content in fruit wine.
The method had the advantages such as high sensitivity, high precision, easy to operate and low detection limit, which was suitable for quantitative measurement of arsenic content in fruit wine.