The entity model of components of software development risk is created with the means of entity relation.
在设计层次型数据库时,一个较好的设计方法是分二步走:首先利用实体联系方法抽象出现实世界的实体联系模型,然后将实体联系模型变换到具体DBMS 所支持的层次型模型。
A good algorithm to design such a hierarchical database consists of two steps, first, to describe real world in E-R model and then, convert it to the model supported by the DBMS.
The conceptual model of the discipline architecture is represented through an extended entity-relationship approach.
Because the structure information associates with the entity model directly, it is easy to read and save the datas and safe to manage them.
Spatial data model is based on the principle of spatial entities and relationship between mutual.
This paper introduces the fan and chasm traps in ER models, analyses the causes and problems of connection traps, and presents the solution for the problems.
Database design: an OLTP system usually adopts an entity-relationship (ER) data model and an application -oriented database design.
Used the E-R graph tool to design the system information model, and has constructed the system database physical information model.
The relationships of information process in these parts are analysed, and then the Entity-Relation (E-R) diagram of machinability data is designed according to the analysis of machinability data.
The author presents an entity mode of CDB after analyzing the entity, relation, attribute of Cadastral system.
In this paper, an organization meta-model including both hierarchy and teamwork structure is presented and then UML object constraint language (OCL) is adopted to formalize the meta-model.
In this paper, an organization meta-model including both hierarchy and teamwork structure is presented and then UML object constraint language (OCL) is adopted to formalize the meta-model.