• 这项制度构造性缺陷依然比较明显,不论是该制度的实体规定,还是程序设计,多原则性而少操作性针对性,难以实践中运用。

    But it is obviously that this system is due to be constructed. Even stipulated in the programming, the entity system, the multi-senses of principle had not been operational and pointed our till now.


  • 相反我们方法规定如果设计必需的则要分离逻辑和物理但是如果并不要求设计是必需的,则允许实体视为一个黑盒子

    On the contrary, our approach prescribes logical and physical separation if design is required but allows you to treat an entity as a black box if no design is needed.


  • 比如给定一个DTD系统标识公共标识符,实体目录用于规定XML处理程序哪里加载dtd。

    For example, an entity catalog can be used to specify the location from which an XML processor loads a DTD, given the system and public identifiers for that DTD.


  • 比如给定一个DTD(文档类型定义,Document Type Definition)系统标识公共标识符,实体目录(entity catalog)可用于规定XML处理程序哪里加载dtd。

    For example, you can use an entity catalog to specify the location from which an XML processor loads a Document Type Definition (DTD), given the system and public identifiers for that DTD.


  • 通过运行命令能够在所选实体指定位置自动生成符合国家标准规定表面粗糙度代号

    By running this command, the roughness symbols that accord with the national standard can be automatically created in the appointed position.


  • 条约规定经济实体国家必须通货膨胀公共赤字债务汇率利率方面具有一定水平控制能力。

    Thee Treaty requires economies to have achieved certain levels of performance on inflation, public deficits and debts, exchange rates and interest rates.


  • 规定》要求,建筑基地城市道路部分不得修建实体围墙可以花坛、绿地绿篱作为用地边界隔离带。

    "Provision" for the construction of urban roads of the base entities not build walls to flower-bed, such as green patches of land along the border area.


  • 空间实质上就是具有某种特定行为存在建筑本质就是对人的这种存在方式的规定,表现围合人的行为的实体外壳

    The space is in fact the human's exist with a specific action. The architecture essence is the stipulation of the human's exist. And it emerges as a solid case.


  • 取消实体处理问题可以发回重审这一规定

    Thirdly, the stipulation of remanding for the problems of substantive disposition should be cancelled too.


  • 鉴于现有立法之不足,通过各国关于自我交易规定比较研究,试图确立符合法理实体程序规则,使得我国公司法上的自我交易问题得到有效解决。

    With a comparison of provisions about self-dealing in some company laws of some foreign countries, this article attempts to define the entity and rules of self-dealing in the company law of China.


  • 我国《保障措施条例》规定实体规则WTO保障措施规则基本一致

    The Regulations of PRC on Safeguards mainly accords with the rules of WTO.


  • 通知没有明确规定这些实体哪些信息违规的,也没有提供应该出口进口再出口项目的详细信息。

    The notification does not specify theviolations these entities are supposed to have committed and does not givedetails of the items they are supposed to have exported, imported orre-exported.


  • 世界实体只能规定一种形式不能规定物质属性

    The substance of the world can only determine a form and not any material properties.


  • 美国有“树之果”规定程序不公实体便无法做到公正。

    The United States also "poisonous tree" and the provisions of unfair procedures, the entity would not be able to be fair.


  • 根据第2规定企业实体申请独立核算纳税人税率征收企业所得税

    According to Article 2, the enterprises or entities who apply for independent accounting shall be the tax payer of enterprise income tax.


  • 据此,举证责任分配首先依据民事诉讼法民事实体规定进行,在上述法律没有具体规定时,再参照规定》和其他司法解释规定确定。

    The distribution of burden of proof is first based on Law of Civil Procedure and Law of Civil, if no provision, refer to the Stipulation and other judicial explanations.


  • 有关实体程序如此做出规定,则其他例外情况下投标予以考虑。

    Tenders may also be considered in other exceptional circumstances if the procedures of the entity concerned so provide.


  • 实体特别规定作为判断民事诉讼证据是否合法标准。

    Special provisions in substantial law should not be the criterion of legitimacy of evidence in civil proceedings.


  • 虚假民事诉讼作为新的恶意利用法院规避法律手段,我国无论是实体还是程序法中都尚未得到明确规定诉讼法学界一问题的研究也尚处于起步阶段。

    The false civil procedure as a new malicious use of the courts and in fraud of law in our country, have yet to be clearly defined, litigation academic study on this issue is still in the intial stage.


  • 澳大利亚电子交易法规定个人或者实体申请网络交易需要提交电子表格

    Australia, "electronic transactions act" provides individuals or entities applying for network transactions required to submit electronic form.


  • 客观证明责任应为实体有机组成部分实体法的具体规范内含证明责任的规定

    The objective proof responsibility should be an organic composition part of the substantive law, whose concrete standard should contain the proof responsibility stipulation.


  • 能够完成规定目的软件硬件两者相结合的实体

    Entity of hardware or software, or both, capable of accomplishing a specified purpose.


  • 然而我国方面原有立法相对滞后无论是实体还是程序法对此做出明确规定

    Unfortunately our country is relative delay of legislation in this aspect and there are no definite provisions on it either in substantive law or in procedural law.


  • 实体应就按本条第1款规定所签合同写出书面报告

    Entities shall prepare a report in writing on each contract awarded under the provisions of paragraph 1.


  • 实体上我国应该在法律明确保险人投保人、承保条件、承保险种、保险金额、代位补偿基本内容,并应该规定得具体、明确。

    The law also should lay down the insurance contents, such as the insurer, the insured, the insurance prerequisite, the insurance coverage, the insured amount and the insured liability etc.


  • 该国表示实体乘以超出必要性任何人都不应选择简单的解释规定最少假设原则

    It states that entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity, or that one should choose the simplest explanation, the one requiring the fewest assumptions and principles.


  • 如没有协议实体规定使供货商充足时间进行投标期限,但不能少于10

    In the absence of agreement, the entity may fix periods which shall be sufficiently long to enable responsive tendering and shall in any case not be less than 10 days.


  • 原案前提实质上存在,根据实体规定证据可以确定原案或前提罪中的犯罪事实为标准。

    If the original crime or the premise crime does exist, evidences should be used to prove the facts of original crime according to the stipulations of Law of Entity.


  • 原案前提实质上存在,根据实体规定证据可以确定原案或前提罪中的犯罪事实为标准。

    If the original crime or the premise crime does exist, evidences should be used to prove the facts of original crime according to the stipulations of Law of Entity.


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