Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor.
An interface cannot contain constants, fields, operators, instance constructors, destructors, or types.
You should not use your instance constructors, some special private function, or any other idiom to initialize static variables.
Do declare static classes as sealed and abstract, and add a private instance constructor, if your programming language does not have built-in support for static classes.
This instance doesn't have any special constructors, operations, attributes, or references, so these calls aren't required.
I've also created a constructor that takes all three properties, which will facilitate creating new instances.
In addition, enumerated types support having constructors, instance methods, and variables, among other things.
Note that the site's constructor accepts a designer host instance.
On approximately 200,000 instances of generic constructor invocations, both algorithms predicted the correct result approximately 90 percent of the time.
It also creates a constructor that sets this instance variable.
A constructor is just a special method that creates an instance (or object) of a particular class.
The constructor function has no parameters and returns an instance of the type with all of its attributes set to null values.
<ui:button>的实例被作为参数传递给构造函数,我使用 this.element保持对它的引用。
The instance of the <ui:button> is passed as a parameter to the constructor function and I keep a reference to it as this.element.
If a relationship is defined, then the class instance (Resource) being protected must be passed into the ResourcePermission constructor.
LaunchApp使用Assembly .LoadFrom静态方法创建Assembly对象的实例,而不是通过显式调用构造函数来创建。
LaunchApp creates an instance of an Assembly object using the Assembly.LoadFrom static method rather than by using an explicit constructor call.
A J2SE client can use BankingService to create a Service instance via its two constructors.
Internally, Scope relies on a thread-static field to store the Stack of instances supplied to Scope's constructor.
This constructor USES an instance of the PackageBuilder class to parse and compile the rules contained in the source file.
The Greeter constructor creates an instance of Message, which it then USES in the greet method call.
Next, an instance of the Services_oEmbed class is initialized, with the class constructor passed two arguments: the YouTube URL and an array of options.
The code for the MainFrame constructor function and for the instantiation and display of the frame is provided in Listing 2.
The creator attribute here is set to the value new, meaning that DWR should call the class's default constructor to obtain an instance.
The @Name annotation tells Seam to use the default constructor of a class to create a new instance.
This behavior is referred to in the DI world as constructor injection, because the instance is passed through one of the constructors.
This will be called whenever an instance of this class is created, just as you would expect.
But when all we know about our superclass is that it's some instantiation of a type parameter, we have no idea what constructors will be available for a given instantiation.
Now we don't depend on external global objects, just on the instances passed in the constructor.
This instantiation involves the default constructor for the class being called, with the injection of dependencies happening afterwards.
Another way of handling this problem would be to throw an exception whenever a run-time instantiation of the generic class does not include a needed constructor.