The other aspect of rationality studied by cognitive scientists is termed epistemic rationality. This aspect of rationality concerns how well beliefs map onto the actual structure of the world.
Management shows us not only a true world, but also a spirit state of how to run through the marks of individual's opinion, attitude and idea and a way to promote humanity and the value of life.
I was occupying two separate worlds - contemporary art and Judaism - and at the level of daily functionality, they don't really mix well.
You will find Indian and/or Thai restaurants in so many cities in the world it’s crazy.
It sounds almost banal to say, [but] it's a really big world out there, and the United States has responsibilities practically everywhere.
Salads are available in virtually every restaurant in the world. Eat a big enough salad and it is quite filling.
In me, I think the world lost a mediocre doctor who's heart would not be in healing - so it was no great loss.
In fact, in Cartesian ontology there are only three kinds of substance: mind, matter and God.
The effective cooperation in these areas has brought tangible benefits to both peoples and contributed to world peace, stability and prosperity.
As Piscean mothers are daydreamers and live in the world of fantasy, they should be gifted something which is calming and soothing. It will help her to escape for the time being.
Some feel their countries are too small to count in the world, so seek a share of a European superpower.
While no disease outbreaks have been reported so far, WHO confirms an increase in isolated cases of diarrhoeal diseases in camps for displaced people.
With a rather limited repertoire, you can expect infants to exercise the "grab and gum" schema quite often as they explore the world.
For a city with a reputation among some foodies for having some of the world's best Chinese food, an eating tour of Taipei is highly appropriate.
Yet it's only in a few select spots around the world that the culture of music becomes a truly tangible attraction.
It's an overwhelming experience for me so many bright students so many interesting ideas and so many such deep passion for social change in the world It's great to have.
Actually, I don't like the term "virtual" in this context, for it suggests that virtual space is somehow secondary or unreal and that physical space is the only real and true one.
The image was mesmerizing—a picture of a world where old boundaries are disappearing; a world where communication, connection, and competition can come from anywhere.
If it proves commercially feasible, coal plants around the world could one day be flanked by carbon-cleaning algae greenhouses or ponds.
Now, we are animals, we are physical, and so we occupy positions in physical space.
The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.
In a world filled with perfectionists who don't want to share what they've created with anyone unless they think it is perfect, the best way to get better is actually with hands-on practice.
COMPARED with many of the world's great cities, London's skyline is rather dull.
You don't see that written on anyone's resume, but apparently some folks do list the level and class of their World of Warcraft characters.
I've found that it is often easier to find examples of quality designers in home offices around the world than sitting at the desks of large firms.
Crucially, for the year 2010, that dotted line showed there would be a rise of 0.8c since the Second World War - which is exactly what we are experiencing today.
Crucially, for the year 2010, that dotted line showed there would be a rise of 0.8c since the Second World War - which is exactly what we are experiencing today.