• crm代表了客户关系管理服务数据模型设计模型一系列服务可以得到重复使用,以及不组织提供的服务

    The CRM package represents the design of a Customer Relationship Management service data model that can be reused in a number of services, even services provided by different organizations.


  • 本文中,展示四个实现制造资源规划(Manufacturing Resource Planning,MRP)客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)服务实例如下所示。

    In this paper, I show you the following four instances of implementing Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services.


  • Invoicer参与者会位于信用中,并导入CRM(客户关系管理)包,以使用公共服务数据(信息类型)定义

    The Invoicer participant will be in the credit package that imports the CRM (customer relationship management) package to use the common service data (message types) definitions.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)Web服务随后请求信息发送应用程序以进行进一步处理

    The CRM (customer relationship management) Web service then sends requests and information to the application for further processing.


  • 若想要在现有客户基础上提高销量,或者想要深入了解顾客,那你就应该使用一个真正客户关系管理产品同类服务

    But if you want to increase sales to your current customers and know everything you can about each customer, you should use a true CRM product or service.


  • 消费者那里购买产品销售代表交谈或者退换产品的时候,一个真正客户关系管理产品服务帮助你记录这些数据然后通过这些数据增加客户了解

    When a customer buys from you, chats with your sales rep and maybe returns a product, a true CRM product or service can help you mine this data and use it to know more about your customers.


  • 第1第0级的实体(运营)细化更为具体功能领域,如客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)、服务管理资源管理

    Level 1 refines the level 0 entities, such as operations, into more specific functional areas, such as customer relationship management (CRM), service management, and resource management.


  • 演示应用程序公开Web服务客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Manager,CRM)应用程序。

    The demo application is a pseudo Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) application that is exposed as a Web service.


  • packageorgcrm定义客户关系管理(crm)数据模型定义服务接口所有服务操作使用数据。

    The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data model defined in package org: : CRM defines all of the data used by all service operations in the service interfaces already defined.


  • 实践证明系统供电企业的客户关系管理提供定量的决策依据实现电力客户个性化差异化服务

    The practice shows that the system can provide decisive reference for customer relationship management and realize individual and differential service for power customers.


  • 数据挖掘技术银行领域应用四个方面:银行客户关系管理、银行风险管理、银行信用等级评估、银行服务分析预测

    The application of DM technique to banking consists of four components: customer relationship management, risk management, credit grade evaluation, and service analysis and forecasting.


  • 本文对个人金融服务中的客户关系管理策略方法等较深入系统研究希望能借此为我国商业银行个人金融服务工作的开展提供某些有益的启示

    This paper makes a thorough study into the strategies of CRM in financial services and hopes to provide some useful advice on the development of PFS in commercial banks of China.


  • 本文结合产品生命周期客户关系管理基于时间竞争策略提出相应物流服务策略。

    This article also unifies the product life cycle, the customer relations management and based on the time competition strategy, proposes the corresponding delivery service strategy.


  • 不仅存在产品目录宣传材料客户服务记录文件档案中,存在于客户关系管理程序过程实践惯例之中。

    It not merely exists in the file or file of the catalogue, publicity materials, customer service record, but exists in the procedure, course, practice and convention of customer relation management.


  • 中国服务外包公司欧美市场上业务开拓客户关系管理方面拥有丰富经验

    She has rich experience in China service outsourcing company's business development in European and American market and client relationship management.


  • 分别服务成熟度客户关系管理网站信息结构、网站信息处理几个方面分别进行分析评价

    And it carries on the analysis appraisal separately from the service maturity, the customer relations management, the website information structure, the website information processing and so on.


  • CRM作为客户关系管理工具通过客户信息分析企业制定销售服务政策提供好的依据

    But CRM as the customer relations management's tool provides the very good basis for the enterprise 's policy of marketing and service through analysis of the customer information.


  • 建立客户关系管理系统关键建立客户服务中心

    The key to build client relationship management is to set up a client service center.


  • 客户关系管理的深化实施包括识别分析客户做好客户关怀提供定制服务满足每个客户群体的需要

    To seek better results from the customer relationship management, efforts in customer identification & analysis, customer care, and providing customized services to meet specific needs should be made.


  • 电子商务促进服务企业营销范围扩大促进了企业的客户关系管理

    E-commerce has helped service enterprises expand marketing scope and promote customer relationship management.


  • 本文围绕差异化服务、全程服务客户关系管理服务补救四方面详细介绍了医学人文服务主要内容

    The article introduced principal content of humanism medical service in differentiation service, process service, client relationship management and service recovery sides.


  • 客户服务经理负责规划管理检验客户服务售后服务维护良好的客户关系

    Plans, administers and reviews customer services and after-sales services, and maintains sound customer relations.


  • 希望其他电信服务客户关系管理应用上有所启示帮助

    Hopefully the dissertation can give some help and inspiration on other CRM implementations project for other telecom service providers.


  • 本文以希尔顿酒店集团案例,从他们独特的服务制度客户管理模式等多方面来阐述在运营中的客户关系管理应用发展前景

    Taking Hilton as a case, we explain the application and development prospects of CRM by analyzing like its specific service and customers management.


  • 通过他们提供有针对性产品服务,通过他们的满意忠诚企业带来利润,是公司实施客户关系管理预期效果得以实现

    By providing products and services that aim at them, FedEx can realize customers, satisfaction and loyalties, to get the profit and arrive at the expected result of CRM.


  • 负责维护管理客户关系确保客户与银行保持持续且良好服务体验

    To maintain and manage good relationships with customers and to ensure customers have a consistent and superior banking experience.


  • 以及提供呼叫中心客户关系管理相关产品服务任何组织

    And any organization that provides call Center or CRM related products or services.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)可以帮助电信运营商树立客户为中心的战略思想实现从以生产运营为主向以客户服务为主的转变。

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help telecom operators to set up customer-centered strategy, tran sit from operation -oriented to customer -oriented mode.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)可以帮助电信运营商树立客户为中心的战略思想实现从以生产运营为主向以客户服务为主的转变。

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help telecom operators to set up customer-centered strategy, tran sit from operation -oriented to customer -oriented mode.


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