There are estimated to be more than 20000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain.
Many a well-to-do and lower middle class Lebanese family relies on migrant domestic workers to take care of their household, but when it comes to providing for these women, not all return the favour.
This community is also a family, employing people from nearly all fields of study, united in their work and their service to the country.
The old worker remembers his own youth, when he was a poor servant waiting on the rich family.
For a moment I took Khuddo to be a teenage domestic help, a small girl cooking, cleaning and mopping, just like millions of them who work in homes in India's teeming cities and villages.
A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.
In poor countries, live-in servants are present in home not only of the wealthy but also of middle-ciass families.
In poor countries, live-in servants are present in home not only of the wealthy but also of middle-ciass families.