• 大力加强社会公德、职业道德家庭美德个人品德教育

    We should greatly increase education in public morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal integrity.


  • 加强家庭道德环境审美构建新时期弘扬家庭美德必然要求

    To strengthen the aesthetic forming of moral environment is an inevitable demand to develop family moral excellence.


  • 传统家庭美德现代诠释价值提升我国社会转型时期家庭美德建设重要途径

    The contemporary interpretation and value promotion of traditional family virtue are the important ways of family virtue construction during the society transition period in China.


  • 本文分析了目前家庭美德教育过程存在一些主要问题提出了解决这些问题的对策

    The essay analyzed problems existed in the process of family virtue education and proposed strategies as well as countermeasures on solving the problems.


  • 传统文化提升公民个人的道德素质,重建家庭美德构建社会公德等方面有着重要的价值。

    The traditional filial piety culture is good for improving citizen's morals and building family virtue and promote social morality.


  • 深化对儒家德育思想本体论、认识论、实践论认识,用儒家德育思想指导社会公德职业道德、家庭美德建设提高现代公民道德水平

    It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.


  • 深化儒家德育思想本体论、认识论、实践论认识,用儒家德育思想指导社会公德职业道德。家庭美德建设提高现代公民道德水平

    It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.


  • 《论语》含有丰富深邃道德哲学,其中以“仁”、“”、“核心社会公德;以“”为基础职业道德;以“孝”为起点的家庭美德

    The Analects contains abundant and abstruse moral philosophy, mercy, justice and courtesy are the core of social morality, faithfulness is the base of professional morality and piety family virtue.


  • 进行了一家庭生活美德方面说教

    She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life.


  • 不但倡导个人责任美德家庭价值观念,同时身体力行。

    He preaches the virtues of personal responsibility and family values, and practises them too.


  • 耐心一种美德客户朋友家庭成员电脑的时候,他们也许受挫,进而电脑,或气冲冲地离开

    Patience is definitely a virtue - When clients, friends, or family members use a PC, they get frustrated and proceed to hit a component of the PC or storm off.


  • 试验想法不是鼓励抽象美德只不过是更多家庭垃圾收集到垃圾箱中

    The idea is not to encouragevirtuein the abstract, just to divert more household waste to recycling bins.


  • 老舍理想婚恋模式家庭模式建立一定经济基础之上家庭关系具有传统美德女性作为理想婚恋伴侣

    Lao she's ideal marriage mode and family's mode are all families relationship established on certain economic base, and regard women with traditional virtue as the ideal marriage companion.


  • 毫无疑问人类社会所有最美好的美德家庭创造,强化以及保持的。- - -(英国前首相丘吉尔)。

    There is no doubt that there is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues of human society are created, strengthened and maintained. — Winston Churchill.


  • 家庭成员生活德性可以称之为生活美德

    The morality of life among family members could be called virtues of life.


  • 丘吉尔:毋庸置疑,径家庭存在,人类社会最杰出美德才得以漫游、掌握传承。

    There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home, that all the greatest virtues of human society are created, strengthened and maintained. — Winston Churchill.


  • 要说家庭就是第一的,没有任何理由人性美德

    I emphasize that you should put your home on the first position without any reason. It is a virtue as a human being.


  • 试验想法不是鼓励抽象美德只不过是更多家庭垃圾收集到垃圾箱中

    The idea is not to encourage "virtue" in the abstract, just to divert more household waste to recycling bins.


  • 重要原因信仰中华传统美德,我的家庭我自己

    The most important reason is that my faith lies in traditional Chinese moral and virtue, my family and myself.


  • 我们继续保持发扬共同美德因为只有这样我们才能体会到自己置身一个快乐家庭之中这样我们社会也会变得更为富强

    Let's keep and develop that virtue together, because only in this way can we feel as if we were living in a big and happy family, then our society will develop harmoniously.


  • 随着肯尼独特的魅力幽默坚守尊严化解了家庭矛盾为人父以及下水道等问题,肯尼身上显露出澳大利亚特有未经雕琢钻石美德

    Kenny lifts the lid on one of Australia's roughest diamonds as he juggles family tensions, fatherhood and sewage with charm, humour and unflinching dignity.


  • 血缘认同家庭责任生活美德相互关联,共同构成血缘家庭生活精神

    Consanguinity identity, family responsibility and life ethics are related to each other and they all form the life spirit of consanguinity family.


  • 家庭一个可以培养各样属天美德所在

    The home is a place where every heavenly grace may be developed.


  • 灵魂伴侣寻找面向家庭专业关怀女孩一个有趣个性因为这些都是非常亲爱的我的心脏品质美德

    In my soul mate, I am looking for a family-oriented, professional, caring girl with a fun personality, as these are traits and virtues very near and dear to my heart.


  • 灵魂伴侣寻找面向家庭专业关怀女孩一个有趣个性因为这些都是非常亲爱的我的心脏品质美德

    In my soul mate, I am looking for a family-oriented, professional, caring girl with a fun personality, as these are traits and virtues very near and dear to my heart.


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