DI provides yet another way to eliminate high coupling between components, because the container can inject a component at run time into a component that relies on it.
It provides a dependency injection container and enables an object's lifecycle to be automatically managed.
As soon as I heard about it, I joined the project and we started porting the core Dependency Injection container and AOP framework.
That’s where the Dependency Injection container comes in. It is a smart object factory.
In either case, you have now set up your dependencies for injection.
Core features, such as the Dependency Injection (DI) container, AOP and the data access framework can be used in pretty much any.net application.
Through dependency injection, lightweight containers reduce dependencies between components.
Now you need merely to call the code that needs those dependencies and allow the container to perform its work.
它提供了用SpringIoC容器往We b组件注入依赖的一些方式。
It offers several ways of using Spring IoC container for injecting dependencies into the web components.
ObjectBuilder was a framework which was used to build Dependency Injection containers.
Nate Kohari released version 1.0 of his dependency injection container for.net called Ninject.
It won't give you a lot of extras, but it has a complete dependency injection container. PicoContainer also has some unique properties.
UnityApplicationBlock (Unity)是一个轻量级的,可扩展的依赖注入容器。
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container.
I discussed the motivation and definition of di and showed an example of how a container can inject dependencies from one component into another.
All these containers flow from dependency injection, but each has a vastly different character.
Having an explicit, fully featured container that we can use unencumbered allows us to provide better guidance around DI and container based architectures.
As a quick summary, a di container is a tool you can use to support building highly decoupled software.
Another goal is to raise the profile of Dependency Injection both inside and outside of Microsoft.
It's built from the ground up using a dependency injection container.
Having a container from Microsoft helps promote DI both to the general Microsoft.net developer community and internal Microsoft developers as well.
They are mostly used within so-called IoC containers, which inject dependencies into a component in the form of other components.
Spring的IOC实现使用依赖性注入有效地将控制从应用程序代码 “反转”到 Spring 容器。
Spring's IOC implementation uses dependency injection to effectively "invert control" from your application code to the Spring container.
比如说,开源依赖注入(DI)容器Seaser和需求开发联盟(Requirement development alliance)主持的 openthlogy项目,就有可能在全球范围上产生影响。
For instance, Seaser, the opensource DI container, and openthlogy which is hosted by the Requirement development alliance, could be valuable internationally.
Unity is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection.
作为一个简单依赖性注入框架,Blueprint对于We b容器与Blueprint容器之间的桥接存在完全相同的问题。
Blueprint as a plain dependency injection framework has exactly the same problem with bridging between the Web container and the Blueprint container.
InfoQ: Can you discuss the new Dependency Injection (di) container feature that will be part of the future release of the framework?
RB:已经有相当多的依赖注入容器,又是什么动机使得你们团队创建了Unity ?
RB: There are quite a few DI containers already, what was the motivation by your team in creating Unity?
The Web container will detect annotations on such components and then inject the necessary dependencies before the component lifecycle is initiated.
微软发布了支持VisualStudio 2008的新版本EnterpriseLibrary 4.0,同时也发布了他们的依赖注入容器Unity应用程序块的1.1版本。
Microsoft released a version of their Enterprise Library 4.0 for Visual Studio 2008 and at the same time, Unity 1.1 application block, their dependency injection container.